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The Boy was confused by everything. After their encounter with Bizzo, both of them continued their walk and finally reached Adon's Apartment Complex. Adon had been living their for 19 years now. The Complex Itself was 24 years old. They reached his doorstep and Adon shuffled through his pockets to find his Keys. He finally found them and opened the door.

"Open Sesame!", said Adon while looking at the Boy.

As soon as the door opened the Boy gagged and almost threw up. There was this pungent putrid smell lurking inside his House.

Adon looked to the Boy and patted his shoulder, "Don't worry...Its just the Thinners and all the other chemicals I use for Sculpting!"

"You like sculpting?... That doesn't sound creepy at all", replied The Boy.

Both of them crossed the small hallway leading to the lounge. Everything had a weird greyish tone... like the colors had desaturated with time. There was a cracked 'Antenna TV', an old couch with springs coming out from the bottom and Sculpted models of two Men with huge Beards. 

"You really are BIG on sculpting, huh!" exclaimed the Boy.

"Yeah, I'm a CREATOR first and foremost!...This Cleaning shit with all these janitorial work ain't ME!!", replied Adon.

"So...what was happening back there...with the Women and all???" Asked the Boy abruptly changing his tone.

Adon noticed it and replied, "You want some Hot milk or something?... Maybe some Habanero Sandwich... huh?"

"Yeah...I'd love that Sandwich...Please..." said The Boy, "But did you know that Women?"

Adon knew it was time for the Boy to know - to know everything... from the 'Fall' to HIS 'Suffering'... EVERYTHING!!

"I heard you the first time...Boy", Adon's voice cracked a little and now he felt exhausted like all his energy had suddenly vanished.

"Look... For me to tell you everything... you would have to promise me, not to freak out or anything..OK?"  asked Adon. The Boy stopped eating his sandwich. He put it back in the plate and forced the bite into his throat.

"OK..." The Boy suddenly went pale. He felt the hair on his neck rise up like goosebumps. In His chest He felt this feeling of Impending Doom, this nauseous feeling with a void in his chest. In His head he could hear and feel LOUD footsteps of something huge and Megalithic...like a huge monster...just constant THUD! THUD! THUD!

"Boy...BOY!" yelled Adon, to pull him back to reality, "Listen... Not only am I a Creator...... I... am... THE Creator!"

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