VI: The Fall

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"It's not the FALL that kills you; it's the sudden STOP at the end."                                                                                                                                                                                      -Douglas Adams

I still have my head sunken in my knees, in a fetal position. I'm unloading my tears and emotions into my thighs – constantly sobbing and moaning. There's that constant roar like that of a space shuttle launching right by my ears, but I think I might have already gone deaf, I can't even hear myself sobbing.

I take a deep breath and suck some air through the gap between my thighs, and look up to be immediately terrified!. The fire from the fireplace has become a FIRE outlet because its letting off small, tiny flames which are floating towards me and the whole room full of inflammable debris. I feel my pupils dilating as everything becomes a little brighter – Adrenaline punching its way through my veins. My heart rate goes wild as I feel my body pulsating, and my limbs shivering. I have nowhere to go and nothing to do. I distance myself from the source of fire and get as far away as possible while watching the fire latching onto different objects and painting them black. The whole room is now on FIRE. I hold on for dear life but am over-flooding with emotions. The chemicals rushing through my brain cause it to make spontaneous decisions... and God knows I'm bad with those.

I open my mouth to force some words out thinking that those words would somehow work... My lips move but no sound comes out and I close them. Disappointed in myself and frustrated at all that was happening, I open my mouth again and this time I scream... and I scream at the top of my lungs as I feel my face turning red and veins popping out my neck... I was thinking of some words to shout but all I could manage was:


And then came the STOP.

I hear a huge splash as the whole room hits what sound and feels like water. I finally land my 'Cannonball' for which I was posing for... I think 4 to 5 hours AT LEAST, and in the process possibly break my ankle. All the debris hits the floor and sharp edges of wooden boards lodge themselves into the floor. I stand up, or at least try to stand up but settle for a crouching position and shake my head to try to stabilize my vision. I stare at all the destruction that just took place.

All I see is a pile of wood, shattered glass, more wood, burnt Had-been-couches, burnt wood and the  4 picture frames fallen to the ground and shattered to pieces.

The most surprising thing is the hole in the ceiling which lets in RED light. I immediately think that its just because of my bloody eyes, I rub them in an attempt to clean them but find that the light is actually RED. My curiosity drives my body towards the door which was previously locked.

I open the door and and immediately get blinded by the orangey-red  land. My mind can't process this at all. I step out...slowly... one step at a time, trying to digest everything. The wind feels sharp as I feel it slitting my cheeks and neck.

Before me lays a wasteland – Barren, without any signs of life. I shout for help and in return all I get are the Echoes of my own voice which suddenly hits me with existential despair as I feel like a grain of sand in a desert of monsters...

I look back at The ROOM, which has anchored itself  at the bank of a waterfall. I look up the waterfall as it disappears into the sky. The water is pouring into the small pool but the pool feels like a trench without a bottom. 

I try to step away from the ROOM but I can feel my body giving up on me. I take two heavy steps and on the third step my body takes over as I fall to the ground and PASS OUT.....

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