Always Here

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Liza's POV
Darna has been the most awaited movie this 2019 and is supposed to be played by me but I let all my fans down by withdrawing the project because of my finger injury. I feel so guilty and sad that I withdrew from Darna, Ate Angel quickly messaged me and I just replied "I'm sorry ate.". I hate myself for withdrawing Darna but I don't want Darna to be hurt just because I don't fill up my fans' expectations. During my crying session from withdrawing from Darna. Quen was always here, by my side.

Enrique: Love, Please don't cry anymore. You know I hate it when you cry or you get sad.

Liza: I just feel guilty..... *continues to cry*

Enrique: Stop crying. I'll take you somewhere. *wipes Liza's tears and pulled her*

Liza: Quen, where are we going?

Enrique: We're going on a trip on our favourite rocket ship—

Liza: Sira ulo...

Enrique: Hahahaha okay I'll stop. We're here.

Liza: The church? Really Quen?

Enrique: Why? This is where we visit God every Sunday and I'm like God.

Liza: How can you say that?

Enrique: I'll always be here for you.

Enrique's POV
I feel bad for Hopie. She didn't want to withdraw from Darna but she felt like she was gonna hurt the project because she just feels empty at the moment. But she made the right choice, she's a smart actress and makes smart decisions. She's selfless and isn't a fake whore, she makes decisions that can do good for Darna. Liza is the most humble, selfless and caring person I know, and if someone deserves all the blessings in the world it's her. So I'll always be by her side no matter what. I know who she truly is and how she truly acts on and off camera, and also I'M THE LUCKIEST MAN ALIVE!

✔ Liza ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon