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The Conversation That Wasn't

*Sang-Hee's POV*

I held my breath and closed my eyes as I fell freely through the air.

Time seemed to slow down.
My breath got caught in my lungs.
My heart stopped for several beats.
But my trust was 100% in Park Jimin.

He pinky promised me that he'd catch me so he can't break it. . .right?
He HAS to catch me.

As I felt myself grow closer to the ground, thoughts circulated my mind.

What if I die?
Right here. Right now.

Sure, I wasn't that high up.

But still.

I could totally snap my neck if I landed on the concrete wrong.

Please, Jimin.
I don't know why I trust you so much.
I mean, c'mon.
I just met you a few hours ago.
But I trust you all the same.

Suddenly I stopped moving. I fell limp in the comfort of strong arms. My eyes still shut, I let out a deep exhale. My body slid down and I felt myself being pulled into those same strong, muscular arms.

"Are you alright?" He asked me.

I wrapped my arms up around his head. "You caught me! You really caught me, Jiminie." I slid my arms down and gently pushed his chest away so I could look up into the face of my savior.

His pearly white smile appeared on his face and I felt my insides go soft again.

"Of course I did. I would never break a promise. Especially not with you."

I looked down at my hands on his chest and played with his shirt a little bit. "Well, why not? What's so special about little ol' me?"

He took a deep inhale, but his breath got hitched as he opened his mouth.

"I....um. I don't....know. I trust you is all, I guess."

"Oh. Ditto."

"Yeah." He quickly cleared his throat and turned forward again. "Come on! Let's go eat. I'm starving. And don't worry. This time? I've got you."

He grabbed my hand and laced his fingers into mine.

I have to admit: I like being like this.
Hand in hand, running through the streets of the city, no more worries.
No more lies.

I think I can finally be completely honest with someone...and this boy is just....perfection.

That's the best word I can use to describe him. I never thought I would find a friend in a strange city. But here I am racing around and laughing my head off with the nicest guy I've ever met.

But he's also the only guy I've ever met outside my father's overprotective covering.

AKA my dad's company.
AKA a secret spy agency.

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