Chapter 23

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"Would you like a serving of chicken?" Alex's mother asked her son, shoving a neatly-piled plate of steaming food in his direction. 

"No, thanks," Alex muttered, shaking his head. "I... I already ate."

The truth was, however, that Alex was far too nervous to eat. And why, you might be wondering? Well, the answer was simple. He was about to go on a date was Ashton Spears. Ashton Spears. A date. Like water mixed with oil, the words simply didn't go together. It was common knowledge within Alex's school that Ashton didn't do dates - or relationships in general, for that matter. So that knowledge, paired with the fact that it was Alex's first date too, had sent the familiar waves of nerves and anxiety to the forefront his mind, and it was all Alex could do to keep his body language normal. 

"Jason, no devices at the table," Alex's mum told Alex's brother, speaking slowly without inflection. Jason, with a muttered sound of annoyance, closed his phone, and silence settled over their table. Alex's brother was a cliche older brother, with little to no time on his hands for family. It was rare for him to ever be home, so whenever he was, dinner was always held at the table. Right now, Alex found it hard to even comprehend how he and his brother were related. His sandy-brown hair was lazily ruffled, the colored tips haphazardly pushed so they intertwined into a chaotic mess. By the way he appeared, it was clear that Jason was hungover - he had likely spent the night on some roommate's floor. 

"What's up with you, Jason?" Alex taunted. "Hungover much?"

"No," he spluttered hastily. "I just... didn't get enough sleep. That's it."

Likely story, Alex thought to himself with a smile. A frown passed over Jason's face when he noticed everyone watching him, so he did his best to divert the attention elsewhere. "Anway Alex, how about we talk about you. How was school?" his brother asked and gave him a big, sadistic smile that made Alex wince inside. Now that everyone's attention was directed to him, Alex had no choice but to talk, when all he really wanted to do was sit and mentally prepare for the upcoming night.

"It was good," he half-heartedly answered, hoping that would be the last about the topic. 

"Come on Alex," his brother muttered, "surely you have more to say than that. What about that friend of yours - Thalia. Are you two dating yet?"

Alex began to open his mouth but closed it without comment. He was sick of correcting people about their relationship - or lack of it - and would rather not talk about the topic.

Before anyone could comment further the doorbell rang, snapping Alex out of his stupor. "I'll get it!" he heard his brother yell, and before he could stop it, Jason was at the door. Alex could hear their conversation as clearly as if it was happening right next to him.

"...What are you doing here?" his brother asked after a moment's silence. Alex resisted the urge to facepalm. His brother and Ashton used to play on the same soccer team, and he was probably wondering why on Earth Alex and he could be hanging out together.

"I'm here to pick up Alex. We've... got an assignment to finish?"

"Yeah, sure you do," Jason drawled, obviously not convinced. 

Alex knew that he should go meet Ashton and save him from the awkward conversation, but at the same time, couldn't bring his feet to move. They seemed to be clamped in place as if restrained by an invisible string.

"Um -" Ashton's response was stilted and awkward. "Is he here?"

"Yes, obviously," Jason stated in a sarcastic tone. Alex looked to his parent's, who by this point were eyeing him curiously. He should've told them someone was coming to pick him up. "Where are you two going?" Jason asked.

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