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prompt: korey's broken and jen wants to put her back together.

warning: mental illness, eating disorder and self harm.

(also this is NOT trying to romanticise mental illnesses. i know how horrible mental illness is and the one shot is about someone who is in love with someone with these illnesses and is trying to help them get through it)

third person pov.

Jen took a deep breath as she knocked onto Korey's door. She wanted to talk to her best friend about something major and she was extremely nervous.

Jen was in absolute love with Korey. More then she could ever explain and she wanted to talk to Korey about it. She was nervous as she didn't know how Korey was going to react. This could ruin their whole friendship.

However there was one thing Jen didn't know. Korey was in love with Jen. Yet, Korey didn't want to talk to Jen about her feelings towards the taller girl.

Korey had secrets she kept hidden. She suffered from extremely bad anxiety and had an eating disorder. Whenever she was having a panic attack, she'd lock herself in her room and stay in there until it was over.

She would do this because she never wanted anyone to know about her struggles.

And recently, it had gotten even worse.

She had taken to harming herself to relieve some of the pain she kept trapped inside. It started off with scratching herself with her keys which turned into slicing open her skin with a switchblade she purchased and burning herself with a lighter.

It hurt but however, it did help her release some of her pain. It even stopped her from bulimia some days.

But she couldn't dare let anyone know. These were her own fights and she didn't want to bug anyone with her issues.

And today, that all crumbled down.

Korey had run into her room about 20 minutes earlier as she had started to feel a bad panic attack coming on. She had messed up on stage last night and the thought kept haunting her. How could she be so stupid?

She ran into her room and slammed the door behind her. When she was in her room, she slid down the door and tears ran down her face as she pressed her knees up against her chest and laid her head on top of her knees.

She rocked herself back and forth as she sobbed into her knees. She felt so useless and weak. Her chest was tightening and her heart was racing.

She hated this. She hated having panic attacks over the littlest of things, she hated that she couldn't even look into a mirror without picking everything out that was wrong with herself, she hated that she couldn't eat without feeling disgusting, she hated it all. Yet, it seemed like she couldn't do anything about it.

She clutched onto her hair as she continued to rock back and forth and sobbed over and over again, cursing herself out about everything. She felt like a failure, worthless once again. She thought she'd be better off dead once again. These horrible thoughts she knew would kill her one day.

She stayed there cradled up for about 20 minutes and that's when it happened, she heard a knock on the door.

Her eyes went wide and she slowly stood up away from the door and back up sitting on bed. Her breathing got even more shallow after she heard who it was.

"Hey Kor, it's Jenny. Can we talk?" Her voice sweet said.

Korey's breathing got quicker and heavier. Her heart was racing. She couldn't let Jen see her in the mess she was in. Plus, what would she want to talk about? The way she failed horrendously last night? How she was so embarrassed by what I did? These thoughts couldn't help but quickly swarm inside Korey's mind.

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