face down

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*another song based one shot. inspired by face down by the red jumpsuit apparatus!*

prompt: korey is being abused by john and jen has had enough.

all jen's pov!

warning: abuse.


I sat in my bed, tidying up all the clothes I had chucked all around the room to pack.

It was at night and tour time had come once again so I had joined the Cooper's in their house so we could pack and leave together next week.

As I was just folding the last piece of clothing to squeeze into my suitcase, I started hearing yelling downstairs.

Worried, I jumped out of my bed and walked out the guest bedroom, looking down and being shocked to what I was seeing.

Even though I couldn't hear what he was yelling, John had Korey flinching and covering herself with her arms against the wall as he yelled at her.

She clearly looked scared, had this happened before..?

And I was horrified with what happened next.

After screaming last thing at her, he grabbed a fistful of her hair and chucked her to the floor and kicked her side.

I gasped as I watched the scene unfold. Had he always been like this?!

He kicked her once more and left her alone to cry on the floor. How... How could he do that to his wife..?

Once I was certain he was gone, I quickly ran downstairs and went straight to Korey's side, kneeling down next to her. Her back was facing me so I gently placed my hand on her back, using my other hand to gently turn her around so she was facing me.

The sight made me so sad... Her face was covered in tears, she looked so afraid...

"Oh Kor..." Was all I could say as I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my room. I had to get her away from him for a while, even if it was only a little bit of time. She didn't say anything as I carried her to my room. She just curled up to me and whimpered.

When I finally reached my room, I placed her onto my bed gently and pulled the sheets over the small woman. I went back and closed the door, locking it so John couldn't get in and walked back to her, sitting next to the smaller woman.

After a while of the silence, Korey finally spoke for the first time ever since I found her.

"T-Thank you for getting me away from him..." She said quietly, looking up at me with her sad puppy dog eyes.

I smiled sadly at her and placed my hand gently on the side of her head, stroking her hair and tucking the strands behind her ear.

"Don't thank me... I just want you to be safe. Is this the first time he's hurt you?" I asked softly, so she knew it was okay to be honest with me.

She looked afraid and teared up again but then slowly shook her head, indicating this wasn't the first time he's laid his hands on her.

I couldn't say anything after seeing her nod. I couldn't believe this was happening. They seemed so happy, so in love... I would've never thought of him being abusive but god... I was so wrong.

I just looked back down at her scared and sad face but I didn't know what to do. All I wanted to do was go to John and pound him right in his cowardly face for hurting his beautiful wife but he's huge... He could crush me before I could get my fist to his face.

Taking me out of my thoughts, Korey spoke up.

"And we haven't even started packing for the show next week... He's just been focused on yelling and pushing me around..." She said quietly, more tears rolling down her face.

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