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a short cute little one shot based on the photo/caption kor put up!

all third person pov.

After Korey and Jen left the venue to while the guys were setting up stuff for the show tonight, they decided to have a little walk around and use this time to look around the area.

The girls chatted and laughed as they made silly jokes as they walked around to get some fresh air from all this touring business.

After a while of walking around and chatting, the girls went to the buses to get some shade as it was pretty warm today.

"Man... It feels good to get some fresh air and hang out with you after basically working all day. Thank god the guys let us out for a bit." Korey said, leaning back and resting her back against the bus, crossing her arms.

Jen smiled and nodded to this.

"I agree. Gotta love the guys and this career but for both subjects, it can be a handful." She replied, giggling to herself and leaning back on the other bus.

"You got that right Jenny." Korey said, looking over at her and smiling before closing her eyes and sighing.

As Korey laid back on the bus side with her eyes closed, Jen couldn't help but stare at her.

With the way she was standing with the light reflecting on her, she couldn't help but stare. She thought Korey was pretty but with the lighting, the way she was standing, she looked like a model.

Jen smirked as she quietly pulled her phone out of her pocket and opened her camera.

She knew Korey didn't really like having photos of her taken which Jen didn't really understand as she thought Korey was beautiful inside and out but sadly, Korey can't see herself that way.

She lined her phone up perfectly and with a quick tap, she took a photo of Korey... Except that she had forgot to put her phone on silent and the clicking noise went off, making Korey very alert of what she was doing.

She opened her eyes and looked over to see Jen pointing her phone at her.

She quickly covered her face with her hands.

"Jenny! You know I don't like photos!" Korey whined, peeking at Jen over her hands.

Jen giggled and brought her phone down to look at Korey.

"I know Kor but you look so pretty! Would a couple of pictures hurt you..?" Jen said, looking at her with puppy dog eyes.

Korey sighed to this and smiled at Jen while she crossed her arms and shook her head.

"Fine... But only this once!" Korey said, moving away from the side of the bus and standing in front of Jen.

Jen smiled to this and brought up her phone.

"Okay Kor, smile!" Jen said as she got ready to take the photo.

Korey just shook her head and looked up and smiled and with that, Jen took a couple of photos.

Jen brought her phone down and smiled as she looked through the photos.

She walked over to Korey's side and showed her the photos.

"See! You look so pretty! You should get photos taken more often!" She exclaimed, wrapping her arm around Korey's shoulder.

Korey blushed to this as she looked up at Jen.

"Thank you Jenny, you're too kind." She said, smiling.

Jen smiled back at her and put her phone back in her pocket.

"I mean it Kor! Well... As fun and nice as this break has been, we better get back to the boys before they think we've abandoned them." Jen said, laughing.

Korey laughed to this and nodded.

Jen smiled at her and kept her arm wrapped around her as they walked their way back to the venue but making sure to have a few giggles on the way back there.

a/n: this sucks major ASS and it feels so rushed and i was honestly thinking about scrapping it but idk ://

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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