beautiful bride

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a one shot where korey's a princess who's being forced to marry a man until her knight in shining armour comes to her rescue ;)

third person pov!


She stood there with her arms handcuffed in front of her. She never thought this day would come.

Korey who was a well known princess, was being forced to marry a prince named John. She didn't love him, she had no interest for him. She never wanted to marry him but here she was.

He on the on the other hand, apparently adored this woman. He was the reason they were here today. He made sure he had her put in handcuffs and he made sure they were extra tight so she couldn't get away.

When he walked down the isle, he smiled at his new coming bride while she just looked down at her feet.

He grabbed her hands and pulled the veil off her face. She tried her last pulling her hands away from his but he kept a tight grip on them.

She gave him a dirty look when he pulled her closer to her. Her wrists had become sore and tender from how tight the handcuffs were.

She knew he didn't love her. He just wanted to use her as his property.

"You look so beautiful Korene." He said, forcing her arms up so he could kiss her hand.

"Suck it Cooper. You're a dickhead and everybody knows it." She growled at him harshly.

His face turned into disgust and grabbed her arms tightly.

"Now now... That isn't a very ladylike thing to say for a princess now Korene." He mumbled.

"That's Korey to you asshole." She growled once again and spat in his face, almost instantly resulting with a slap to the face by the man.

"You treat me with respect. I'm going to be your husband soon so you have to learn that. You serve me." He said, grabbing her face.

"Sexist piece of shit. You say you love me but treat me like I'm nothing but a piece of meat." She growled, pulling away.

She tried storming off but John just grabbed her.

"Let go of me! I refuse to marry this asshole! He's abusive and gross!" Korey screamed.

John pulled her close to him again.

"Shut up and accept it. You're going to love being married to me. You're going to be an amazing wife." He said, smirking at her.

She swallowed hard when he said that. She had no clue what he meant by her being an amazing wife.

Before she could say anything, the priest had started talking, indicating that the wedding had begun.

Korey just looked down as he talked. This was really happening and she was upset about it. She didn't want to waste her life on this no-good scumbag that she knew would treat her like shit.

Well at least that's what she thought.

When the priest had finished talking, he of course asked the classic,

"Does anyone have any objections?"

Korey kept her head lowered, expecting no one to stop this forced marriage until she unexpectedly heard a voice she had never heard before.

"I object!"

Korey and everybody else looked up and were shocked to see a tall woman in armour. She heard all the guests gasp as the woman walked through the crowd. No one could believe someone had tried to stop this wedding.

Korey studied the woman with her eyes as she got closer to her and John.

She had long red hair that was tied into a pony tail with deep red armour to match. She had beautiful brown eyes that Korey could stare into for hours. She was so beautiful.

Korey couldn't help but admire her. Not only was she trying to get her out of this horrible wedding, she was such a beautiful woman. The way her face was painted with a light foundation and red lipstick, the way she carried the her sword. Korey could say she was in love already.

John however, looked at the woman in armour with disgust. How dare she try to interrupt.

"I demand you let this woman go. She has stated multiple times that she does not want to be married to this... Pig. If you do not let her go, there will be severe consequences." Jen said, walking over to the couple.

The priest sighed as he unshackled Korey's cuffs, letting them fall to the ground. Korey let out a sigh of relief as she rubbed her sore wrists while John was more then angry.

Korey went to walk off but John wasn't having any of it and grabbed her wrist, pulling her back towards him.

"I don't know who you are lady and just because you think you're so tough with your sword, does not mean I will let you stop me from marrying her! She will be my wife and you can keep your nose out of it! And don't even think about calling me a pig again!" John growled, holding onto Korey's wrists tightly.

"Oh really? Well we'll see about that. Guards, take this man away." She said, pointing her sword at John.

And quickly, the guards obeyed Jen's actions. They grabbed John from under the arms and dragged him off.

"H-Hey! You can't do this!" John yelled as he kicked around, trying to get out of the grip of the guards but failed.

Korey just watched in bliss as she watched him get dragged away from the guards and waved to him with a smirk.

"Curse you Korene!" John's screamed as he got dragged away.

When he was completely gone, Jen offered her hand to Korey and Korey grabbed it, shaking it.

"I'm Jennifer but please do call me Jen. I couldn't it afford to see a fellow woman go down like that." Jen said, smiling at her.

Korey smiled back and couldn't help but blush. Jen had just saved her from marrying a man that she knew would treat her like trash.

"Thank you. You really saved me there I couldn't imagine marrying him." Korey said, smiling largely at the tall woman.

Korey let go of Jen's hand and went to bow in respect and thankfulness but Jen stopped her and bowed in front of her instead.

Jen even grabbed her hand and gently laid a kiss on the top of Korey's soft hand.

Korey gasped and blushed to this. Thankfully by now, all the guests had left the wedding area.

When Jen pulled away, she grinned at the smaller princess after seeing how red she had gone.

"It's nothing my lady. Now, I say we get out of here and get you all warm at home." Jen said, placing her sword back in her shield.

Korey nodded and went to start walking but without a warning, Jen picked Korey up bridal style and carried the small girl back to her castle.

Korey yelped but instantly settled in Jen's loving embrace the whole way back to her castle.

"This is what love feels like..." Korey thought, resting her head on the woman's chest.

-time skip-

Not long after Jen had saved Korey from her forced marriage, they got together and shocked everyone by being the first lesbian couple in their kingdom.

People thought they wouldn't last long but were proven wrong as they have now been together for two years and are currently planning on getting their marriage set up after Jen proposed to the tiny princess.

Their lives were the best they had ever been and they couldn't ask for more.

And they lived....

Happily ever after.


a/n: this sucks bc i don't know a lot about royalty but i hope it's okay!

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