A Missing Link

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Okay, I know the timelines here are weird and messed up, just bear with me okay? I'm inspired.


Ever since you were young, you've always been very particular. One thing Donnie grew fond of you on was your ability to solve puzzles, and to solve them fast. Rubik's Cubes were finished in a matter of seconds, logic puzzles were solved with ease, and Donnie was always impressed by this -maybe even a little jealous- and he was proud of you. Your curiosity and determination to solve your own personal puzzles was always above and beyond.

Things got a little more mysterious after the whole family fiasco. You weren't as concerned anymore for finding your mom and dad, but it still bothered you. You wrote down whatever you could remember about your mom, but nothing came up about the father.

In your little notebook, generously donated by Mikey and decorated by his doodles, you wrote little bits and pieces about your mom. She had your eyes, your skin tone, and the inconvenience that was your hair. You realized how much you resembled her and it made it more comforting to know where you came from...

...But I'm the back of your mind there still itched a curiosity.

Your father.

You remember him being there, but you couldn't remember the person he was. You could only remember bits of his voice. He was the one who would put you to bed every night before your mom suddenly told you that you didn't have a father anymore. , yet... you couldn't put a face on him.

Not yet anyway.

At least, not until you heard about a certain Tyler Rockwell. Tyler was mentioned by the turtles after Donnie went on a little investigation mission with April and got beat up by a lab monkey.

Of course, leave it to Donnie to totally embarrass himself in the most unconventional ways possible.

Anyway, the name sounded familiar and the thought wouldn't leave your mind. With a little internet surfing, you managed to find photos of him and... it really did feel like you had seen him before.

Your brothers had been dealing with the weird situation about a mutant monkey and a strange scientist without you, but with strong curiosity, you decided to go and investigate this yourself... In the daytime, obviously, so if anything were to happen, there would be people around.

They managed to capture the hostile mutant monkey and bring him back to Dr. Victor Falco's laboratory.

You walked down the street, following the address that Raphael secretly provided for you. Leo didn't want you to go anywhere besides school with your arm in its condition, but Raph trusted you and thought you deserved a quick peek, especially when you gave your reasoning for wanting to investigate. Raph was always down to break a rule or two, especially to spite Leo. Once you got to the right place, you climbed up through the fire escape that led into the hallway and knocked on the first door.

"Just a minute!!" A man behind the door shouted.

You heard a bunch of clatter behind the door and a few cuss words here and there. The man finally opened the door and looked at you with his curious blue eyes. His breath got caught up in his throat before he could say anything.

"Hey, I don't mean to be a bother. I'm the turtles' sister," you began. "My brother thought it would be nice if I came and checked in with you and... Tyler Rockwell. I don't really know what's going on, so I thought I could maybe get filled in on the details here? It's just that... the name Tyler Rockwell sounds so familiar to me and I can't figure out why."

You heard a hesitant breath before he spoke.

"What makes you think that?" he asked as he slowly opened the door for you to let yourself inside, his eyes still heavily focused on you.

"Nothing makes me 'think' that. It's a memory. I've heard it before and know I can't get it out of my head." You cautiously walked inside and scanned the room.

The middle-aged man closed the door behind you. "I see. What's your name?"

"I'm (Y/n) Hamato. Sorry, I don't think I heard yours." You watched him go over to a table and pick up a syringe.

"I'm Victor Falco. I'm guessing you already know poor Rockwell," he lamented as his slender hands gently stroked the top of the mutant monkey's head.

You looked over at the unconscious monkey. Seeing him made you uneasy. This animal was once human and possibly the only person with answers about where you came from.

"Mr. Falco-"

"Doctor, please," he corrected.

"Doctor Falco, what exactly happened?"

"Well, I haven't heard from him in months so I came to see what was wrong. I came here only to see that he was gone and the place was a mess..." He filled the syringe with a strange liquid, flicking the tip to take out any air bubbles.

"What's that?" You pointed at the syringe with your free hand.

He looked right at your (e/c) eyes. "Could you tell me your name again?"

"Umm... it's (Y/n),"

"How did a human girl like you end up with mutant turtles?"

"I would tell you, but... I'd really feel more comfortable if you put the syringe down."

"What's wrong, afraid of needles?"

"I mean, if you're holding it like that, yes!" you replied with a slightly annoyed tone.

He injected what he had in the syringe into Rockwell's blood and put it back down, raising his hands to show he didn't have it in his hands anymore.

"Is there... Is there any way you can see if Dr. Rockwell is related to me in any way?" you asked with a hint of sorrow in your voice, avoiding eye contact by shifting your gaze to the poor Tyler Rockwell.

"I could try." He shrugged. "But I don't think that will be necessary, (Y/n). Tell me, is there anything you notice about yourself? Something that makes you different from other girls like you?"

"Not really... I never grew up around girls like me. I've been told I'm a fast learner... but what does that have to do with anything?

"Close your eyes for me."

"Woah haha, no way. I've got trust issues, I-"

"You can trust me on this, I promise."

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, keeping your hand over your tessen. "Respectfully, Doctor Falco, if you touch me, I'm breaking your face and your ankles."

He chuckled and continued talking, "Now I want you to think of something. A common fear people have. Concentrate on that, then concentrate on me."

You did what he told you. One thing you knew everyone was somewhat afraid of, was heights. You concentrated on tall buildings and planes, then on Dr. Falco. You heard him laugh a little and it caused you to open your eyes to see what he was laughing at, revealing the floor being gone and replaced with a long drop down to what could've been certain death. Terrified, you stumbled back and grabbed onto something sturdy. You felt dizzy and almost nauseous.

"So you see what I see, don't you?"

"What's going on, Falco?!"

"I think I would rather you call me father."

The realization hit you. As you blinked a few times in surprise, the image of the floor-less room faded and you kept your gaze on him.

"(Y/n) Falco, it's been a long time, my girl."

Sister Hamato: TMNT Sister StoryWhere stories live. Discover now