t. riddle

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'the manner of all things shall be well'

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'the manner of all things shall be well'

IMAGINE, it's was a frigid, bleak winters evening, and you and Tom were in the room of requirement huddled up in front of the fire.

The fire flickered, weaving under the spell it was sparked into, the flames- coloured orange, red and amber crackled as it burnt dry wood. It was your tiny sun for the night. The fireplace was adorned with iron patterns shaped like Merpeople and some Lily's could be found scattered around in bronze.

"I love you, my all." Tom spoke softly, while massaging your temples.

"And I love you," You said, "But what will happen after we leave Hogwarts?"

"What do you mean?" Tom got up, both knees on the ground with his right arm holding his weight, "My love, all will be well, I'll get a stable job and we will continue our love. Take this conversation as good omen."

You merely smile at him, leaning up and peaking his lips.

He mirrors your smile. "All will be well."

𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙋𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧  imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now