Chapter 1~ Phones, Pillows, and Packing

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Rose P.O.V

"Mom, have you seen my phone?" I shout down the stairs as I finish packing up the last of my trunk.

"Rose, how many times do I have to tell you," mom sighs as she walks into my room and sits on my bed, "you don't need your phone at school. It doesn't work at Hogwarts anyways, and services is spotty at best in Hogsmead. There's no point in having it there."

I put my pens and notebooks in my rucksack, "No, mom, I swear I have it. I think I figured out a spell to get service. I really want to test it out. If not, I know it works on fruits," I explain.

"Fruits? Oh, Rose, please tell me you turned a banana into an actual phone," Mom chuckles as she smooths out my sheets. "Are you excited to be Prefect this year? You've worked so hard to get the position."

I shrug, "I guess. Can you toss me my pillow please? I really don't want to forget that again." Mom throws the pillow into my trunk. "It's going to be weird not having T.R. and Korrin there next year. Who am I supposed to hang out with? How am I supposed to get the password for the Gryffindor common room? That's the best place to study."

"Oh my has the common room changed since I went there then," Mom chuckles, "I always found the library to be the best place to work when I was in school."

"The library is too quiet for me. I need noise to work, plus it's fun to make people uncomfortable with my muggle school supplies," I give my mom a wink. "You'd think with pens being invented forever ago that the wizarding community would finally catch on."

"You know how they are, they're so stuck in their ways I doubt it will ever change, Rosie."

"One can hope," I put the last of my school stuff into my trunk and close the lid, "I'm ready to go whenever the twins are."

Scorpius and Selene walk past my door with their trunks in tow, "We've been waiting on you all morning," Scorpius shouts from the stairs. "Let's go, we're going to miss the train and I'd really rather not have to steal a flying car. Besides, Neville is already at the station waiting for us."

"Rose, I have your phone," Dad yells from the foyer. "It'll meet you in the car."

"Well, I guess that's our cue, to get moving," I wave my wand to shrink my trunk and wink to my mom, "What McGonagall doesn't know won't hurt her." Mom gets up off the bed and follows me downstairs to the foyer.

"Have you figured out how to get our phones to work at school yet, Rose? You know I have to keep up my following," Selene asks as we walk to the car together.

"I said I'd get your phone to be able to text and call. I made no promises about being able to use the internet," I roll my eyes. "There's only so much spells can do, and they don't exactly have a spell book for this type of thing."

"So, you better get on to writing that book then, huh Rose," Scorpius jests from the back seat of the SUV.

I close the back hatch and open the side door, "I have to figure out the spells before I write the book, genius."

Dad gets into the driver's seat and starts the car, "Everybody have everything? Rose, did you grab your pillow?"

I roll my eyes, "Yes, Draco,"

"I wonder how many reporters are going to be at the train station, with it being T.R.'s last year and everything, Uncle Harry has to be there to see him off. Not to mention you guys, and Aunt Ginny," Scorpius asks as we head to the train station. "It's bound to be packed."

"You'd think after all these years they'd leave us alone. The war was almost twenty years ago. You would think they'd be bored of us by now and fine a different group to stalk," Mom sighs. "I guess your father did set us back a few years though."

The whole car falls into an awkward silence. After the war, Dad faked his own death and started his life over as Healer Perceus Weinberg. He hid his identity for five years before finally revealing who he truly was. This happened of course after mom and him started dating. Dad didn't even reveal to Mom who he was until the night he proposed to her. It was a whole mess, and as much as Mom denies it, deep down she still holds a grudge towards Dad for lying to her. Which is understandable, I'd be pretty mad too honestly. Draco Malfoy was already at celebrity status when he "died" after the war, so when he suddenly comes back to life, people are bound to take notice. Now, Dramione, as people call my parents, is a couple that everyone is invested in, even if it has been thirteen years.

Since Draco revealed his identity to the world, he went to Azkaban for a few months and got out just in time for my twin younger siblings to be born. Since then, my parents have lived fairly lives. Draco's love child, Lyra, lived with them until last year when she reunited with her birth mother. Which is also right around the time that I left my dead-beat father, Ron, to live with my mom. So, it all worked out I supposed. I don't really know Lyra that well, but everyone is upset that she chose her mom over the parents that raised her. It could be argued that I did the same thing to Ron, but everyone knows Ron didn't raise me. He just payed for me.

We pull up to the train station and all the kids unload their trunks, so Dad can go park the car. It's so nice to be finally be going back to school. As much as I love my family, with three, sometimes more, kids in the house it's hard for me to have any alone time. At least at school if I want to be by myself I can lock my door. Also, at school I get to be with my friends every day. It's really going to suck when T.R. and Korrin graduate. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. I supposed I'll have to actually make friends outside of our Malfoy-Potter- Zabini family. What a change that will make.

The whole family takes their trunks to the wall where we're supposed to enter platform 9 ¾ and stare at it. Mom grabs mine and Selene's hand, "Are you guys ready for this?"

Selene raises her chin, "I'm a Malfoy, I was born ready for this." And with that, we all run onto the platform one at a time.

The platform is busier than I remember. It is swarming with kids and their families, as usual, but there are more reporters than I remember there ever being. A group of reporters notice us standing to the side and start swarming us. I glance over at Selene who is clutching Scorpius's hand while also trying to look flawless for the cameras. Dad steps in front of Mom and us kids to try to get a path for us to get to the train.

All I can hear is a thousand voices screaming and I can hardly make out what they're saying. Dad is reflecting the questions with a stern, "No, response," as per usual. Mom pulls her big jacket over her stomach to try and hide her baby bump in hopes of keeping it a secret just a little longer.

"Hermione, how far alone are you!?" one reporter shouts and then all of them start asking similar questions.

One particularly brave reporter tries to get in between Mom and Dad and asks, "What do you have to say about the roomers of Draco having an affair?" and the whole room seems to stop.

All I can do is grab Selene and Scorpius and pull them towards the train with our trunks in tow.

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