Chapter 9 ~ Letter, Names, and Lessons

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Rose POV

Dear Rose,

            We hope that school is going well for you. We have been really busy at work, so we are sorry we weren't able to write sooner. How have your classes been going?

            We heard about your fight with Lyra. As much as we know you two have always had your problems, we were really hoping that they would not escalate to this level. We know it can be hard. You two have more in common than you know. I really think you two could make an amazing team if only you'd give it a chance. I know that it is not always easy to work things out with people you have a negative history with. But if your Uncle Harry and I can work through all our issues and become as close as we are now, I think you and Lyra can work it out. You guys are sisters, after all.

            "Pft, step sisters," I scoff

            How has it been being prefect? I remember what it was like. The job is not as hard as they always make it out to be. It is for sure not as glamorous. It is still an honor and a good thing to put on applications once you are done with Hogwarts. I'm sure James and Bexley are trying to use your position as an excuse to do whatever they want. Typical Gryffindors, always causing mischief. One thing about it, Potter definitely named James Sirius correctly.

            I chuckle at the familiarity of Dad's words. It is so nice to have someone write letters to me at school and them actually have meaning. I can hear Draco speaking these words. It's comfortable. Sure, Ron would write letters, but they hardly had any heart to them. I feel like I talk badly about Ron a lot, he wasn't a terrible father. He just was absent. He cared more about his newest conquest than he did about me. When he was between girls, he was great. We would spend time together after work, and we would play games. When his girlfriends were around, he would prefer to give me money so I would stay away and would let the nannie care for me. It's not a terrible life, it just wasn't what I wanted.

            Anyways, I was just sitting at home and missing all the noise that fills the halls when you kids are home. I hope that school is going well. I hope that your spell is working for your phones. If you want, go ahead and call me in the evenings after classes. Or text me, I guess that's what you guys prefer. I'm not good at Muggle technology, but I'll give it my best shot. I miss you lots.


Dad (or Draco? I'm not sure how you would prefer me to sign this.)

            I smile fondly at the letter in my hand. Draco really is awkward at times, and it really is enjoyable.

            "Oooo, Rosie got a love letter," T.R. teases. "Who is it from? Korrin, did you finally break down and become poetic for Rosie here?"

            Korrin scoffs, "I am always poetic, she just hasn't gotten the memo yet."

            "Shut up," I roll my eyes, "the letter is from my dad."

            "Draco dad or Ron dad?" Korrin asks as he plops down on the couch next to me.

            T.R. sits down across from us, "It was obviously Draco dad, look at the handwriting. Those are Malfoy perfect letters."  I chuckle and fold up the letter and place it in my book "So how are the rents? Anything exciting at home?"

            "Have they announced the newest Malfoy heir's name?" Korrin chimes in. "Please tell me its going to be something totally boring and muggle like Tim or John."

            "What, why?" I tilt my head towards Korrin.

            T.R. and Korrin both chuckle, "Rosalee, Lyra, Scorpius, Selene, and Tim." Korrin breaks down laughing while trying to explain. "You all have such mysterious names. Even Hermione and Draco aren't common names. It just would be funny if this one had a totally normal, run of the mill name. That's all."

            "Could you imagine the look of Lucius's face though, if he were alive, if he had a grandson named Tim or John? I think he would lose his mind," T.R. busts up laughing.

            I huff, "My family members' names aren't that outlandish. Besides, the males in the Malfoy family are named after constellations. So, unless there is a constellation named John or Tim, I doubt that will be his name."

            "Okay fine," Korrin surrenders. "But at least nudge your parents towards one of them that will give him a normal nickname at least. Like your name."

            I shake my head, "Who says I have any control over what my parents name my brother?"

            "Maybe we will luck out and they will name him after Triangulum," T.R. opens his astronomy textbook. "It is actually the most boring constellation. It's just a triangle in the sky, and Ptolemy decided it was the only three stars that could possibly make a triangle. Like you can't make a triangle out of any three stars. Not only does it have the most boring shape, it doesn't even have a cool name."

            "So you want my brother to be named after the lamest constellation?"

            "Perseus would be a cool one, but something tells me that name is off the table." T.R. and I both shoot Korrin a look. "Okay, okay, it was just a joke."

            "Well, we all know that Rose can't take a joke," James chimes in with a wink. "How's your potions textbook?"

            I shoot Bexley and James a look, "It's perfectly fine, no thanks to you. I should have written you up for that."

            "You have no proof it was actually us," Bexley replies coolly. "Besides, you're the one that's hanging out in the wrong common room." 

            "I'm allowed to be in here, they dropped the segregation between the houses rules a long time ago," I roll my eyes. "Don't think that you got away with that prank you pulled either. Payback sucks, boys."

            "Like you could ever pull one over on us," James responds as he shoots me a wink. The boys make their way up the stairs toward their dorm room.

            Korrin gives me a concerned look, "What exactly did you do?"

            "You'll see, right about..." There's a shout from the boys' dorm room before they come running down the stairs. "Now." I shoot Korrin and T.R. a sly look as I pick up my book.

            "What the hell Rose!" Bexley shouts. "It was a textbook, not your whole room!"

            "I told you payback sucks." The boys exchange a look. "Don't mess with me. I am still a Weasley after all." Korrin and T.R. chuckle and give me high fives. "Make sure you get your room cleaned up before the dorm check tonight. Wouldn't want you to get in trouble for a messy room." I shoot the boys a wink.

            "What exactly did you do?" Korrin asks as he watches the boys make their way up the stairs.

            "Taught them a lesson, that's all."

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