Chapter 10 ~ Morning

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Draco POV

One thing as a father that I didn't think I would enjoy as much as I do is writing my children letters. Growing up, I never liked writing letters. I had to write thank you notes to every family member whenever I got a gift from them, or they attended a banquet at the manor. Letters always felt like an obligation to me. The only letters I didn't mind writing were the letters I would write to Hermione throughout Hogwarts, and even those were apologies and not the most exciting. But there's something about sitting down and writing letters to my children that feels different. I want to make them feel excited to read my letters, kind of like I did whenever Mother wrote me growing up. Whenever I saw our owl fly into the Great Hall, I was always nervous to see if it was from Mother or Father. If it was Father, I knew I was in trouble, or that I must have done something wrong. But the letters from Mother brought me so much joy. They would always smell like Mother's perfume and I loved seeing her handwriting scrawled across the page in front of me. Her asking about school and my friends. Telling me about all the things she has been doing. The beautiful banquets she was hosting. Those letters are part of what got me through school.

Now, I suppose I could just text my children and hope that Rose got their phones in working order, but I don't find joy in texts. They're always so short and there's never any emotion to them. I can't feel how someone else is feeling through texts. There's something that I feel gets lost in translation when a message goes from one screen to the next. Plus, I don't entirely understand how muggle phones work. I much prefer getting owls and talking that way. Sure, I understand the telephone. I can hear their voice and get some closeness there. But it just isn't the same as seeing an owl land on your windowsill and getting to physically touch what someone took time out of their day to write to you. That is why I try to make sure I write all my children at least one letter every other week. Just so they can feel the excitement of getting mail. Most of the time it is just letters, sometimes I send care packages as well. I feel bad making Gatsby carry presents for four children though. So, it is not very often that I send large gifts. Mostly just around birthdays.

"Hello, Binx," I say calmly to my beautiful red owl as she calmly perches herself on the windowsill. "Are there any letters back from the kids yet?" I check her leg and don't see anything attached to it. "I guess they are just busy today. Maybe they will send something later."

I turn, walk out of my study and make my way to the kitchen. It has been a calm morning without the craziness of the kids rushing to get ready for the day. I got up at 5:30 as usual. I got in the habit of getting up that early not long after the twins were walking. It started with them just being up that early, then it slowly turned into them getting up that early to practice quidditch before the sun rose. They never take an off season. Even before they were at Hogwarts, they didn't take time off. Quidditch has been their whole life. Lyra, Rose, and Hermione are never out of bed before 8:00, so that's when the chaos always started. Especially when Lyra and Rose were both here. Two girls trying to share a bathroom while the twins were also trying to shower after their practice. Almost made me wish I had put ensuite bathrooms in every bedroom instead of making all the kids share one bathroom. Granted, the guest bathroom was always open for them, but it was out of the way downstairs. Or so they would claim.

I sit down at the kitchen island with my morning coffee and soak in the quiet of the morning. I don't have to leave for work for at least an hour.

"Would Master Draco like Willow to make him some breakfast before work this morning?" the house elf asks as she apparates into the kitchen. "Master Draco finished the newspaper early this morning."

"If you could please," I look up and meet the house elf's giant gaze, "an omelet would be amazing this morning."

"Oh, good choice, sir. That is a great breakfast. Willow will start it now," The house elf turns and starts pulling ingredients out of the refrigerator. "What would Master Draco like in his omelet?"

"My usual please, onion, peppers, and lots of cheese."

"Of course, Master Draco."

Hermione set all the house elves free after we moved into the manor, but she offered to pay them a fair wage if they stayed on and continued to work for us. Most of them have left over the years, as we didn't need too many of them, and now Willow and Brook are the only ones left. Willow cooks, while Brook cleans and picks up after us. Hermione still feels strange asking them to do anything, so most of the time they don't do much. But they live to serve, so they do most of the cooking and cleaning without consulting with Hermione to not make her feel awkward. It works out well enough.

After breakfast, I apparates into my office and start looking through resumes to find my new secretary. I really don't want to replace Elisa, but I know it is for the best. I can't string her along when I plan on getting back with Hermione. My marriage comes first in this so I cannot work with a lady who I am fully aware of her feelings towards me. Sure, Elisa is beautiful, but she's not Hermione.

"Hey Willow," I ask as the house elf hands me my breakfast, "do you think I should get the kids an owl to use while they are at Hogwarts?"

"Willow is not sure, Master Draco."

"I mean, it would be easier to send letters home if they had their own owl, but at the same time, we already have two owls. It would be difficult to care for three during the summers while the kids are at home," I take at bite of my omelet. "This is wonderful Willow, thank you."

"If Master Draco is worried, he could just give the children Binx to use at school," Willow offers. "Binx does not get to deliver mail very much at the manor."

"You make as good of a point as you do an omelet," I take the last bite and watch as Willow collects my plate. "I think I will send Binx to Hogwarts to stay with the kids. I can make do with Gatsby here at home. Even though everyone at work knows Binx. Maybe I'll send Gatsby instead."

"Master Draco should finish getting ready for work, he would not want to be late," Willow reminds as she points to the clock.


"Healer Malfoy," one of the front desk ladies sticks her head into my office, "There is someone here to see you."

"I don't have any appointments."

"She says she's here to drop off an application, but she would prefer to give it directly to you."

I look up from the resume in front of me, "That's odd, but I guess let her in." I go back to the resume as I wait for the mystery lady to bring me her application that is apparently very important.

"Hello, Draco, long time no see."

I pause and look up, "Avery, how... nice to see you." 

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