Chapter 7~ Counseling

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Hermione P.O.V

"Do you think you guys will ever get back together?"

"I'm not opposed to the idea," I place my hand on my stomach, "I just think there are a lot of things that we need to sort out before we even think about being together again."

Ginny leans back on her couch and shakes her head, "You guys seemed so happy. You guys were expecting a new little boy. Work was going well. You worked out everything from the miscarriage. What changed?"

"Nothing," I shrug. "We got really good at putting on our happy masks, so no one knew how we were doing. Even the kids didn't know."

"Have you guys thought about counseling?"

I chuckle, "Why, so we can tell a perfect stranger all of our problems that we haven't even told our closest friends so they can sell the story to the tabloids? I don't think so."

"Okay, first of all," Ginny shoots me a look, "drop the attitude. Counseling helps a lot of people, I don't understand where the stigma around counseling comes from. Secondly, they are not allowed to talk to anyone about your problems, doctor-patient confidentiality and all that. Your husband can tell you all about it. Third, I think it would really help you guys. You've been through a lot together. It might help to have a third party there to help you guys work through everything you've been through."

"I don't know, Gin. We're both always so busy, not to mention who says Draco will even want to work things out with me? Especially how I left things off," I look down into my lap. "As far as he knows I fell out of love with him the moment I had the miscarriage."

"Do you blame him for the miscarriage?"

"A part of me does. Yeah."


"When did you fall out of love with Draco?"

I try to hold back the tears as I avoid making eye contact with the counselor, "I never really did. I just fell out of love with the picture of us he was trying to sell to everyone. The perfectly happy family. The image that we never fight and that everything is sunshine and rainbows. I fell out of love with how fake we were becoming. I felt like I wasn't allowed to feel anything."

"Draco, do you have anything to respond to that?"

Draco looks towards the wall, "Where did you go to school? I don't recognize the name of the school."

"You're avoiding what we're talking about." The counselor looks up from her notepad, "In fact, you've been avoiding everything that has been said this entire session. Is there a reason for that?"

"I think this is ridiculous. We can figure out our problems without involving someone else."

"Apparently we can't Draco, or else we wouldn't be in the situation we are currently in," I snap. Draco mumbles something under his breath. "I just wish we could work things out without you avoiding the issue."

"I really wish we could talk about this in private," Draco looks down at his watch.

"Does talking about your feelings make you uncomfortable, Draco?" the counselor makes a note on her pad.

Draco sighs, "It makes everyone uncomfortable. There's nothing wrong with me not wanting to flaunt all of our dirty laundry for a perfect stranger to analyze."

"There's nothing wrong with going to therapy, Draco," I roll my eyes. "Your pride has never let us admit that anything is wrong. You just want to sweep everything under the rug and pretend nothing is wrong." I put my head in my hands, "But things are wrong, Draco. So many things are wrong with us. Things have been wrong with us for a long time, but we can't ever admit that."

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