Chapter 11 ~ More than Quidditch

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Selene POV

Dear Selene,

Hello, my sweet girl, how has school been? The house has been awfully quiet without you kids being here. I'm sorry I did not write sooner, I know I normally write within the first couple days, but work has been so busy without having a secretary.

I got a letter a few days ago from Neville. Is everything alright with you? He said you have been showing up late for quidditch practice, that is if you even show up. What is going on, dear? That isn't like you to miss practice. You've been getting up early in the morning every day since you were little to practice quidditch, now you're skipping practices? If you need to talk, just know I am here for you. If you want, I can meet up with you in Hogsmeade during the next trip. Or, just give me a call if you can. I'm not sure if Rose has 100% figured out the spell for your phones yet. If she has, give me a call, I'm mostly going to be in the office this week doing interviews.

So how have classes been? How is the new Slytherin head of house? I heard he was a real piece of work, but I know how those rumors spread throughout Slytherin families, nobody is ever good enough for our house. I know I tell you and Scorpius this all the time, but I'm so proud that you guys are in Slytherin and playing for the house team. I cannot wait to go to Hogwarts and watch you, your brother, and Neville play this season. I heard the Ravenclaw team is gearing up to give you a run for your money. Your first game is against Hufflepuff, isn't it? That's always an easy win for you guys. Honestly, with you three all on the same team, it almost isn't fair for the other houses.

I really do hope that school is going well. Your mother and I miss you tons. Let me know if you want to meet up in Hogsmeade to have lunch. I'll make sure I'm there. If you need to take a little bit of time off from quidditch, I completely understand. Just make sure to communicate with your teammates so you don't leave them high and dry.

Love you Always,


"What would he know?" I huff as I put the letter into my textbook.

It's not that I don't love quidditch, it's in my blood, it's just that I'm tired of quidditch being all that anyone knows about me. I'm top of my class. I have the least amount of warnings and the smallest file in the entire school. I keep my head down at school. I have a massive Instagram following. I'm in line to be Slytherin prefect, but all anyone cares about is how I perform in quidditch. I just want to be known for more than my quidditch record.

"Hey, Selene, are you ready for practice?" Scorpius asks as he comes out from the dorms. "I really hope you're not planning on skipping again. If you miss another practice, you're not going to be able to play in the next game."

I roll my eyes, "Can't you see that I'm trying to do my homework? Don't you care about you grades enough to actually do the homework?"

"So," he stands a little straighter, "you're not coming to practice." I shake my head. "Are you even planning on being on the team anymore? Don't you care about your teammates anymore?"

"Don't act like this is about the team, Scorpius."

"You're right. This is about you," he snaps. "This is about how you suddenly forgot about the commitment you made to this team. This is about you deciding that you're too good to play quidditch anymore, or that suddenly the only thing that matters is that you stay number one in our class. Like you haven't easily done that the entire time we've been in school while also still playing quidditch. I understand that classes are important, but so is sticking with quidditch, especially when you already committed to the season and we worked so hard to get you the starting keeper position with Neville and I. This is about you not acting like yourself since we got on the train to come back to school. What is up with you, Selene, this isn't who you are."

"Will everyone stop saying that!" I shout and everyone in the common room stops to watch the fight. "How do you know who I am? Huh? Do you suddenly know who I am better than I know myself? Because, right ow, I don't even know who I am, but I know I need to figure it out pretty damn quick or I'm going to drown, Scorpius. So, I'm sorry that I'm being an inconvenience to your life, but I need to figure things out for myself outside of that damn sport!"

Scorpius walks towards me and whispers, "Is this about Mom and Dad? I've heard the whispers too, Sel. But that doesn't change who we are. We've grown up constantly surrounded by the whispers and the judgement of our family. We carry our last name like a burden sometimes, but we know how to get through this. We always do."

Scorpius reaches out and hugs me, "This isn't about them. This is about us, Scorp."

He pulls away but keeps his hands on my shoulders, "What do you mean by that? What's wrong with us?"

"I don't know who I am without you. We've always been together."

"I don't see why that has to change."

"What about when we graduate? We're not always going to be together. We have to move apart and live our own lives at some point. And when that happens, you're going to have Neville and I'm going to be by myself," I meet Scorpius's icy blue eyes. "I just need to figure out who I am before it's too late."

"That doesn't mean that you have to let go of quidditch."

"I need to be more than a quidditch player. I need to know that I'm worth more than my stats."

Scorpius blinks at me, "Of course you are worth more than that. You are worth so much more than what you tell yourself. At the end of the day, your stats, likes, or grades don't matter. What matters is how you feel about yourself, Sel."

I sigh, "Accio Nimbus 2009."

"There's my sister," Scorpius grins.

"Selene is coming to practice!" Neville exclaims as he races down the stairs.

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