Chapter 6 ~ Avoiding

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Draco P.O.V

After all these years, I knew some day my lies would come to bite me in the ass. I love Hermione, our children, and the life we built together. I just wish she still loved me.

I stare down at the files on my desk. I don't feel inspired to help people today. How can I help anyone when I can't even help myself? I can't keep my family together. I have failed at the only thing that I ever actually cared about. I didn't want my children to grow up in a broken house hold. I never wanted them to wonder why they couldn't keep their parents together. It's not their fault, I hope they know that, but we haven't even told them what happened. We haven't told them that their parents aren't together anymore. I can't bring myself to tell them.

I nearly jump out of my skin when there's a knock on my office door, "Come in."

I look back down at my files and pretend I'm busy, "Hello, Healer Malfoy, are you busy right now?"

"Yes, and to be honest, I don't want to talk right now," I drop my pen and lean back in my chair. "I know I don't have any appointments today, so unless..." I finally make eye contact with my old assistant, "What are you doing here? I asked you to stay away from me. You're no longer my assistant for a reason."

Elisa sighs, "I'm sorry, Draco."

"It's Healer Malfoy," I correct.

"I didn't tell anyone what happened between us. You have to believe me, please."

I roll my eyes and try to hold back how I'm feeling, "Nothing happened between us. You confessed your love for me and then suddenly the next day the press is reporting that we're having an affair." I shake my head, "That can't be a coincidence, Elisa. Somebody told the press what happened and it sure as hell wasn't me."

"It wasn't me, please, I'm sorry," Elisa begs. "I don't have to work for you anymore, but you didn't have to get me fired completely."

I pause, "I didn't, I had you transferred to the pediatric ward. I never had you fired."

"Well then why don't I have a job here anymore, Draco? I am good at my job, we both know that," Elisa huffs. "I just don't understand."

"I'm sorry, Elisa. If you need a recommendation to get a new job, I'll be happy to write one for you," I offer as I look back at my paperwork. "In all honesty, it's going to be hard to replace you."

"Then don't."

"You know that's not an option, given your feelings," I explain. "But if you need help getting back in here at St. Mungo's, I'll be happy to help in any way I can."

She shakes her head, "No, you've helped enough. I'm sorry about any trouble I caused between you and Mrs. Malfoy."

"Granger-Malfoy," I instinctively correct. "Honestly, any problems that we may be having, you definitely are not to blame for. But thank you for the sentiment."

Later that night, as I walk through the doors of the manor, I notice the lack of life there. Hermione hasn't been home in a few days, and the life of this place left with her. With no kids at home, and no Hermione, I'm reminded of what the manor was like growing up. Empty. That's not to say there weren't people there. No, it was emotionally empty. Father was always distant and plotting the return of the Darek Lord, and Mother had other things to attend to. With no siblings to play with, and I wouldn't have dared to be caught with the house elves, it was just me going around the grounds by myself. The manor hasn't felt this empty since Mione and I had it remodeled before we moved in when the twins were first born. Maybe I'll just check into a hotel for the night. I don't want to think too much tonight, I've been thinking all day.

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