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Author : RandoMindeD
Original publish on : asianfanfics | 2015

For their fifth date Heechul and Jungsu had decided to go for something simple and just stay in to watch a movie while having food delivered. It was supposed to be something romantic yet casual enough that neither of them would feel awkward with that recent turn their relationship had taken Going from friends to lovers wasn't always as easy as they liked to make it seem in fiction and for both of their sake they had agreed it was probably wiser to take things slow.

As it was a movie night was the perfect compromise, especially after the utter fails their previous dates had been and to say that Jungsu was feeling a bit nervous that night would be an understatement. Even if he hadn't been the one to make the first move he definitely was the most invested one here, wanting for things to work out and maybe trying a little too hard sometimes.

Not that Heechul didn't care whether they stayed together or not but he was just a bit more carefree on the whole thing, preferring to go with the flow rather than fret and freak himself out with what ifs. So after an embarrassing talk - bordering mortifying grounds for Jungsu, the couple had set their minds on giving this still new relationship another try and to ensure it wouldn't end up in yet another disaster, Heechul had been put in charge of everything.

Which wasn't much more than letting them crash on his couch and use his TV that was bigger than the one at Jungsu's. Besides he didn't have roommates and that could only be a plus because there was nothing worse than Hyukjae ruining the mood by having loud sex with his own boyfriend in the next room. So much for privacy.

Anyways! So here they were comfortably seated while going through the TV guide menu, searching for something nice to watch when a certain movie name caught Heechul's interest and not bothering to ask for his boyfriend's opinion he clicked on the 'watch this' button. Almost immediately he felt the other male tense beside him and threw him a questioning look, one eyebrow raising as he asked.

"Something wrong?"

"N-no! Just surprised that you chose this movie. I didn't even know you liked it "

"Are you kidding? Everyone loves Ring"

"R-right! It's actually my favorite." replied Jungsu with a smile that looked slightly forced but if his boyfriend noticed he didn't comment on it.

The brunet just nodding his head before turning his focus back on the LED flat screen that was hung on the opposite wall while starting digging into the food they had put on the coffee table in front of them, For the first ten minutes or so it was quiet aside from the sound of them eating and that awfully creepy background music in the movie but the further they watched what many considered as a classic in the history of ghost stories and the more Jungsu was mumbling curses under his breath.

Until it eventually became all too much for him and just as the revengeful spirit of the infamous Japanese girl finally made her first proper appearance, the man practically jumped out of his seat. Sending the piece of chicken he had been holding in his right hand flying on the other side of the room while his knees accidentally bumped into the table, causing both of their beers to fall over and spill their content on the glass surface.

Fortunately his reaction was enough to prompt Heechul to pause the movie but that was pretty much the only good thing about the current situation. That and the fact that his boyfriend didn't seem too pissed off with him for making a mess of his usually neat living room, but yet again that was a just small consolation compared to the teasing Jungsu was sure he wouldn't be able to escape, if the smirk forming on the other male's lips was anything to go by.

He still tried to act like nothing had happened, apologizing as he wiped the table clean only to sigh in defeat when Heechul insisted he got his ass back on the fucking couch so they could talk already to use the latter's words.

"Why didn't you tell me you were scared?" The brunet asked, doing his best not to laugh though he couldn't fully hide the amusement in his voice , "Why the hell did you even say it was your favorite movie?! "

"You're the one who made it sound like it was a crime not to like it"

"But you didn't have to lie and almost ruin my apartment just to go along with it. I mean do you really think I'd have made fun of you because of this?"

"Well, you can be pretty mean sometimes"

"And yet you still like me right? The same way I wouldn't start thinking any less of you just because you're scared of a little dead girl"

"She's not just dead. She's a ghost who crawls out of people's TV to haunt them!" protested Jungsu, ignoring the scoff he got in return, before he added on a softer tone. "Sorry I didn't tell you. And for ruining our date again Don't be. That'll make a good story to tell later. But seriously? You gotta stop with this whole... Mr. Perfect Boyfriend or this is never going to work"

"I know. I've been trying but - I just can't help it. Every time I tell myself 'just be yourself and it'll be fine' but then I see you and how cool you are about it. And then I remember that you could do so much more than me,Not that I'm that bad or any - "

Jungsu's rant was cut off as a pair of soft plump lips suddenly pressed against his and like each time they had kissed so far, it was enough to make his mind go blank. That pleasant tingling sensation in his stomach the only thing he could focus on as he kissed back, sighing through his nose in contentment when long fingers buried in his hair to massage his scalp in a soothing pace. All too soon though, Heechul was pulling away, voice barely above a whisper as he spoke while he made sure not to break the eve contact

"I don't care about others"


"Good. Let's watching something else then!" Stealing another peck, Heechul then reached for the remote before snuggling against his boyfriend's sides who didn't hesitate to pull him closer in return.

And they ended up making out while some documentary on the story of the Three Kingdoms was playing in the background, well... it was no one's business but theirs

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