I want a puppy

476 16 1

Author : suxxxju
Original publish on : livejournal | 2008
Author notes : Well it's short and I had problems with ending, but I hope it turned out okay.


"I want a puppy." LeeTeuk announced, standing in doorway of their room.

"Are you okay?" Heechul checked his forehead. "Do you have a fever?" he looked in his eyes. "Maybe you feel sick elsewhere?"

LeeTeuk chuckled by this unusual HeeChul's reaction and added, "No, I'm okay." He shook his head. "I just want a puppy."

"But we can't, there is no place." What was actually truth.


Heechul cut him off with a kiss and it was the last time he mentioned it back then.




"I want a puppy."

"Not again." Heechul groaned against his exposed skin.

"Why are you even against it?"

"I have a cat."

"So what? Can I have a dog?" LeeTeuk ended the question with small kiss on HeeChul's lips as he looked up.

"What about me?"

"Last time I checked you weren't a dog."

"Maybe want another round instead of talking?"

"Only if I'm topping."

"As you wish." As faster LeeTeuk gets rid of this idea, then better.




"Where you have been?" LeeTeuk opened outdoor and saw Heechul standing on other side all wet and dirty.

"Don't ask, but it's raining like mad out there." Heechul passed him and walked through living room.

"Hey, hey stop right there." As LeeTeuk said it, Heechul freeze on spot and looked back.

"What?" he faked annoyed voice.

"Look at floor now. It's dirty. Take off your shoes." Heechul growled and walked back to hallway, making the room even dirtier.

In LeeTeuk's supervision he took the shoes off, made sure that foots are clean and tried for second time to get to bathroom. He successfully made it, shake himself as dog when got in, leaving the floor wet.

"See what you have done. You're trickling and the floor all the way until here is wet." LeeTeuk came soon after him, closing the bathroom door behind him.

"Oh, sorry." Heechul rolled his eyes what made LeeTeuk even more annoyed. He ignored LeeTeuk's look and took off his jacket and shirt, leaving his upper half naked. As he was reaching for a towel LeeTeuk was faster and took it.

"Let me help you. See you're even shivering." LeeTeuk started to dry HeeChul's hair.

"Hey, I can do it by myself." All HeeChul's attempts to struggle free were stopped halfway as LeeTeuk cornered him and he could only let LeeTeuk to do what he wants.

"Now you look better." LeeTeuk put the towel aside and moved away a bit, but Heechul grabbed him by waist, pulling him close.

"I do?" he gave him a cute look as if asking for attention.

"Yes, you do." LeeTeuk laughed his annoyance soon disappearing and brushed away a few hairs falling in HeeChul's eyes.

"Could you help me with clothes? You could go and find me new, dry ones while I shower." As LeeTeuk gave no answer seemingly sank in thoughts Heechul added. "Please?"

LeeTeuk smiled, moved away and before stepping out said his last words, "I think I don't want a puppy anymore. You're acting like one." And so he walked out.

Heechul broke in a wide smile.

Doors suddenly opened again and Heechul turned around surprised, halfway in removing his pants.

"Or maybe not.... If I'm dealing with you day by day, a dog will be even easier." LeeTeuk disappeared as fast as he appeared and Heechul could only groan.

His plan didn't work.

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