
849 26 2

Author : verility
Original publish on : asianfanfics | 2014

"Hey, Jungsu, where are you?" Heechul answered his phone.

"I know, l'm late, l'm sorry." Leeteuk offered apology.

He could hear the worry in Heechul's voice and knew that when his love used his birth name, it was serious. "I got caught up, nothing serious. I'm sorry I didn't let you know sooner."

Heechul sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Okay." He was sitting at the bay window in their house, looking out. The storm rolling in across their ocean view matched his mood. "Where are you?"

"Caught in traffic. Everyone's trying to get home before the storm hits." Leeteuk sighed, looking out at the ocean from his spot in line along the slow paced coastal highway. "Dinner's probably cold?"

Not answering right away, Heechul looked away from the storm to his lap. "Yeah," he said softly. "But it's fine."

"It isn't," Leeteuk said. "l promised tonight and I'm sorry." "Stop being sorry." Heechul said, more stern than he'd meant. He breathed in slowly. "It's fine, because l ruined dinner anyway. I got a little too excited, or something. Anyway, it burned. So it's cold now and it's fine."

Leeteuk flinched when Heechul told him to stop, but hearing the rest of the story brought a soft smile to his face. "Do you want me to pick up something before I get home?"

"No," Heechul said, wiping his eyes. He was surprised his voice was masking his tears. "l just want you home."

Rain started tapping spots across Leeteuk's windshield and he glanced out at the storm again. The traffic started moving again. "Things don't always have to be perfect you know?"

"Who are you, and what did you do with Leeteuk?" Heechul asked, smiling.

Leeteuk laughed. "No. I mean it. It's okay if dinner burns, or my fringe curls from being rained on." He smiled. "It's life, it's ours and I'm incredibly happy in it with you."

Heechul sniffled, taking in a shaky breath, finally letting on he'd been crying. "You know why I love you?" He asked softly.

His smile faded to a frown as he heard Heechul's sadness. "I can guess, but you should tell me."

"Because you're cheesy, ridiculous and you make me feel like I'm in a damned romantic movie all the time." Heechul smiled as Leeteuk laughed again. He loved that sound. "And I don't know what I'd do without you." He'd started out strong with that sentence but his voice cracked halfway and he teared up again.

Leeteuk was quiet for a moment, letting Heechul calm down so he could hear him. The rain had picked up to a patter against his windows. "Heechul, listen to me. There won't be a time that you're without me. Even when we're apart, I've burned a few too many memories into your head and forced myself into your sometimes chilly heart. I'm always with you."

Heechul was nodding as he listened, looking out at the storm and the rain-wet foliage showing in vibrant resplendence despite the dark clouds overhead. "I love you." He said softly .

"I love you too. And when I get home I'll wrap you up in it."

Smiling, Heechul sniffled with a sigh. "Happy Anniversary."

Leeteuk nodded. "The traffic is clearing up. I'll be home soon. And if you're not smiling by then, l'll be forced to kiss you."

"That'll just make me frown on purpose."

"Then you'll leave me no choice." Leeteuk grinned.

"Hurry home then. I love you, I'll see you."

"See you soon." Leeteuk hung up his phone and took his turn that would bring him home.

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