the story of us

593 14 0

Author : sheepsan
Original publish on : archieve of our own | 2017
Author notes : anyways im soft for the 83 line...


Heechul wakes up to light kisses being pressed gently along his jaw. He opens his eyes blearily to see orange-red hair, a narrow nose, and thin lips turning up into a smile he adores.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Leeteuk asks softly.

"Yeah," Heechul says, but heaves himself up into a sitting position anyways. His blanket pools around his waist and the throbbing pain in his leg is nothing more than a side thought at this point. Leeteuk sits down next to him and Heechul takes the opportunity to slump down onto his shoulder. He breathes in the reassuring scent of Leeteuk, fighting the urge to doze off again. Their fingers find each other on top of the tangled blankets.

It's been a while since they've had a moment like this to themselves. They'd both been so busy lately, with their comeback schedules added on top of their normal variety appearances. But the scarcity of them makes him appreciate these moments even more, in a sense, so he can't exactly complain.

After a while, Leeteuk shifts then says, "You really should get some sleep though."

It's just like Leeteuk to be constantly watching out for him. So Heechul snorts and sits back up, making a shooing motion with his fingers.

"And you need to shower. I could smell you in my sleep!"

Leeteuk laughs at him, his cheek dimpling adorably, and he good-naturedly leaves the room.

Love StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon