
705 17 1

Author : verility
Original publish on : asianfanfics | 2014

Stuck inside on a Friday night while a storm raged outside, Heechul stood behind Leeteuk, Watching him as he sat on the couch with a movie on the TV. He was prone for cuddling and Heechul hopped over the back of the couch to sit next to him. Smiling, Leeteuk shifted an arm, offering him a place against his chest. Heechul took immediate advantage of the offer, positioning himself with his head against Leeteuk's chest, watching the movie.

They didn't need words of acknowledgement as their hands felt through hair and over thighs. Their touch was slow and idle watching the movie more than paying attention to how they were touching.

The movie, an older one, followed the story of a thief infiltrating a party to steal a giant diamond from the safe of the home owner. The thief's efforts were nearly thwarted by the leggy onde that caught his eye during an expedition around town Thinking he'd seen the film before, Heechul watched attentively, trying to place whether or not he actually had.

Leeteuk had his feet propped on the table in front of them and Heechul moved to rest his head on his thigh. Missing the warmth against his chest Leeteuk looked down at Heechul only to continue his slow petting through his hair. Leeteuk worked out, near compulsively and it left him with a lower percent body fat which in turn made him cold more often than not. Heechul, who couldn't be bothered lifting a single thing over the weight of his head was always warmer than Leeteuk, even when he was cold too. It worked out in their favor since they could cuddle without one or the other of them getting too hot.

Commercials kept interrupting their movie watching and Heechul eventually rolled onto his back, head still propped against Leeteuk's thigh, with his eyes closed. "I love you," Leeteuk whispered, watching him. Heechul sighed softly and let a little smile spike his lips. Wanting to drink in more of his warmth, Leeteuk leaned down to kiss him.

Slowly propping up on an elbow next to Leeteuk's thigh, Heechul held the side of his face, kissing him softly. Leeteuk's interest shifted entirely to Heechul as he parted his lips and offered him inside. Pressing his tongue into the kiss slowly, Heechul moved his hand from Leeteuk's cheek to wrap his arm around his neck. Lazily, Leeteuk traced over Heechul's side. The more they kissed, the warmer they both got. Heechul moved to straddle Leeteuk's lap, kissing him harder.

Lightning struck somewhere down their block and the power flickered before going out. Heechul laughed softly against Leeteuk's lips, breaking the kiss. Leeteuk chuckled under him, holding his hips. "You think someone's telling us they don't want to see this?" Heechul teased "Probably."

Leeteuk purred and squeezed Heechul's butt. "You want to go to bed?"

"More than anything, yes." Grinning, Leeteuk kissed him again, nipping his lower lip as he picked him up easily, carrying Heechul to their room

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