
733 22 1

Author : keylia
Original publish on : asianfanfics | 2016
Author notes : well, this is my first time making fanfics, and i warn you, my grammar is not that good. Not too fluffy not too angsty, just make you want more? Enjoy!

"Quick! Change your clothes!" said one of the stylist to our members who came in altogether, I'm quietly just stare at them who are still rowdy changing their clothes into every kind of blue dress like a dress from that new movie, Frozen. The stylists also helping the rest of the guys put the dress that seems not fit with their muscular bodies, not like me who is done with everything, lucky.

"Hey! Somebody please give me a make-up!" said our oldest brother who l think has been fighting with this girlish thing alone, because from what I see, there's no stylist around him right now.

"Can you just ask Heechul hyung for a help?" shout Kangin with three stylists rounding around him, what a greedy person. Honestly, I don't mind helping my same-aged friend with his make-up, l'm idle anyway, but the fact that I'm going to be close with Teukie make me happy and afraid at the same time,I don't know why, it just did.

I haven't had time answering, but he already stand beside me with a big grin in his face, just like a kid who wants a candy. And then he gave me the make-up box along with a chair for me. "Heechulliee..." He said with puppy eyes, one of my weaknesses.

I'm just sighed and tell him to sit on the other chair, as easy as that. I can feel the members giggling when they saw their leader act childish around me, only around me. They know I like it

"Heechul-ah, how did you know to do such of these things? Did you learn this since your kindergarten days or what?" He said while l'm doing his eyes with Sapphire Blue eye shadow. His talkative mouth always commenting every movement I do to his face, typical Leeteuk. "l'm Kim Heechul, I'm good at everything, and can you shut up for a while? I'm going to put on some lipstick on you!" complained me, followed by a silent between us.

I can feel a pair of his eyes stare at me as I touch his chin to put on some lipstick. I don't need to see his eyes anymore,l always remember the color of those pretty eyes. It's dark brown like an oak wood, and his big core always hiding between those eye bags. His eyelashes tapering as wave and dark as night without star, I don't need much of mascara because of that.

While applying lip balm, I stare at him who is still gaze at me lovely, for the amount of time eye contact has happened to us. But this time his gaze is more sparkling than usual, like all of the stars is in his eyes. This is the thing that makes me afraid. Those sharp gaze also warming my heart, make me want to slow down my hand movement so he can stare at me forever, although I know time already stopping between us. I can feel my heartbeat two times faster and my face gotten red. Did I falling from Leeteuk charm?

"Heechul..." he called my name. Thank God, becausel hate the quietness between us. Then he stops my hand and play with it, he keep on staring at me with his dreamy eyes. Can't this day become anymore worse?

".... have i told you that your eyes is beautiful?" He continued.

Well, it can.

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