All in white

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Author : veltana
Original publish on : Livejournal | 2010
Author notes : So a huge while ago I listened to this song and thought, this would be nice to sing at a wedding, started writing this, forgot it and now I found it again :p I think I need to mark my stuff better >_< like with title and shit xD this was named *checks* HeeTeuk... yeah... no! I knew it was that story all along xD so not true :p

And no matter how hard I try, I can't remember what song it was x


The music seemed so far away. It was like he was enclosed in this bubble, separating him from the world around. All eyes were for the moment at him, but he didn't know. All he could see was this bright beacon of angelic light in front of him, making his eyes tear and his mind shatter. He always knew he was lucky, but not just this lucky.

He knew Heechul had planned something in secret, because whenever they were discussing the entertainment, Heechul just said "Leave everything to me" and not wanted to talk about it more. At first Leeteuk was a little angry, it was his wedding too, he wanted to be a part of the planning! He tried many times to talk to his husband-to-be, but the other just found ways around the subject all the time. Finally he gave up.
And he knew Heechul had planned something, being away an awful lot on what he said was work-related. But his voice was sometimes almost gone when he came home late at night. Like he had been screaming, and he was exhausted too. His clothes was a mess...
What was Leeteuk suppose to think?

Finally, one night, he lost it. He pulled off his ring and put it on the counter in front of Heechul "Tell me who it is at least, so I can have the courtesy of never talking to that person ever again"
and Heechul had just stared. Like he didn't believe what he was seeing. Than he had looked at Leeteuk, picked up the ring, grabbed Leeteuk's hand and put it on again and said very seriously "Don't you ever, ever, take that off again. And if I ever cheat on you, you're allowed to shot me in the head. Cause I love you more than anything and I won't live without you"
That had been the end of the discussion.

And now, sitting at the fancy table, dressed in white, he wondered how he could ever live without Heechul.

His husband stood on the stage, still dressed in his white tuxedo, and sang from his heart, right into Leeteuk's.

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