home is far away

651 13 1

Author : peaceminus1
Original publish on : archieve of our own | 2019
Author notes : just for fun, all inspirations from dreams and music

title from epik high's song


Jungsoo woke up to the sound of Heechul's alarm. Dear gods. Nobody could never not wake up if this shit started blaring through their room. What kind of music did this guy listen to these days? He turned around in frustration; last night had been long and tiring, he wanted to sleep better, but it was too noisy. He breathed a sigh of relief when the ear-splitting death metal ceased into a gentle strum of the guitar and then slowly ended.

"I wish Kyunghoon would continue making more music of this kind." Heechul walked into the room, wearing his black and pink striped pajamas, and nothing else but wet hair covering his eyes and towel-wrapped shoulders. "You know the kind of feel you get in Don Quixote? I love that."

Jungsoo nodded drowsily, flopping back onto the fluff pillows and quilt. "I like Your Name better" he murmured, loud enough for Heechul to hear.

"Your Name? That's also good. His falsettos are even better than his head voice." Heechul crawled onto the bed, hovering above Jungsoo's half-naked body, and shook his head to sprinkle some water droplets onto the other. Jungsoo didn't complain, but he turned around, making an annoyed sound, which didn't really sound like he was annoyed, so Heechul did it again, this time getting pulled under by Jungsoo.

Heechul looked up at him though his wet eyelashes. Jungsoo had experienced this for many months, but still it sent shivers to his spine when Heechul stared at him like that, into his eyes, though those beautiful dark drown eyes full of mischief and happiness and wit. Jungsoo leaned down to press a kiss to Heechul's oh-so-pretty-after-shower-mouth, but Heechul laid a hand on Jungsoo's chest, "Do you really think you can kiss me without brushing? Not today, bitch."

Jungsoo snorted at this. Every morning, Heechul had been the one who'd laze around in his bed and wait for kisses from Jungsoo after he showered, and this day, just because Heechul had woken up early, he'd resorted to superiority?

"I'm not brushing today at all." Jungsoo said, and rolled back to his side of the bed, closing his eyes. "Let's see how well you fare without kisses for one whole day."

Heechul sat up, brushing back his wet locks. "Oooh ,I like that. Let's see who can hold it in longer." he smiled playfully and jumped off the bed to get dressed.

Jungsoo watched him pull on a black hoodie and arrange himself in front of his computer. Jungsoo was sure if Heechul stared his game, Heechul would win so easily, Jungsoo couldn't possibly watch him shout and fire away at his keyboard for hours.

Jungsoo went back to sleep, the sound of Heechul's gaming almost like lullaby to him since he'd gotten used to it running even at 2 in the morning. Today, he'd wanted to take Heechul outside to buy Christmas presents, but his eyelids were like lead; he couldn't crack open a millimeter, so he sighed and let sleep drag him in deep yet again.


It was around 10am when Jungsoo woke up again, and Heechul was still at his game.

He got down from the bed, grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom. His body hurt like hell, he needed to rest more often, he thought.

After Heechul had showered, he'd left a lingering scent of lemon-and-mist. Probably from his body wash, Jungsoo guessed.

He stripped down and turned on the shower, groaning as steaming hot water cascaded down his bare shoulders and chest. Oh gods, his muscles were so tight and strained, he couldn't even lift his arm properly.

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