I missed you

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Hayley and Derek had seemed deeply in love from the minute they started dating. No one expected that they would end up breaking up. The only thing anyone knew was that they had a fight, and have now been broken up for a month. Neither talked or saw the other until one DWTS group rehearsal.

Hayley was still doing DWTS so she thought she would still being seeing Derek. She was wrong because Derek ended up taking the season off thinking it was for the best. Derek was nervous to come into the rehearsal space because he knew Hayley was going to be there.

All the dancers were practicing their group dance, when he walked in. None of them saw him walk in though. He was watching Hayley dance, and realized just how much he missed dancing with her. Soon all the dancers were just talking, but that's when she saw him. Hayley gave a small gasp which was heard by everyone. Now all eyes were on her including Derek's, but Hayley was only looking at him. She quickly ran out of the building because she felt tears building in her eyes. She didn't even stop when she felt the cold, heavy rain drops on her skin and clothes. She heard someone running behind her, but she didn't take notice to it that much. Soon she realized it was Derek, when he stood beside her. Neither of them cared that they were currently standing in the pouring rain. Next thing Hayley knew, Derek had his arms wrapped around her. She was surprised by this action, but what surprised her the most was the sense of safety it brought her. Derek soon let go of her and took her hands in his. He looked directly at her and started talking,
"I tried to move on, but nobody is you. Your the only person that I'll ever truly love. I-I miss you. I miss your love for animals, your down to earth attitude. I miss everything about you. I-I miss us." Hayley couldn't believe what he told her. She wanted to say she felt the same but couldn't even say anything. Derek must have thought she didn't feel the same anymore, so he started to walk away. Hayley finally got something out of her mouth and said,
"I can't.... I cant lose you. I felt like everyone just forgot I exist. Jenna has Val, Lindsay and Whitney have Sam and Carson, Emma has Sasha...." Hayley stopped talking because at that moment she started to full on cry. Derek hated to see her cry. He himself was also crying, and didn't care if it wasn't manly. He went back over to her, and brought his hands to her soaking wet hair. Her hair was sticking to her face so he slid it away. With his hands still cupping her face he said,
"Well now you have me again, and I'll never forget you." And with that Derek leaned down and like old times placed his lips gently on hers. At that moment nothing else mattered, they were both back with the person they love. They never wanted a petty fight to ruin their relationship again.

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