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"I can't do this anymore. Not with you," Hayley yelled at Derek from where they were standing in the kitchen.
"I have a right to be angry," Derek argues back. The two of them have now been in a heated argument for the last ten minutes. He wasn't really angry he was just worried about her.
"Well maybe you should just leave me alone," Hayley yelled back trying and failing to stop the tears from flowing. Derek moves his hand to make a gesture. Hayley flinched and covered her face at the sudden movement. The whole argument seised to exist, as Derek suddenly remembered how he, and Hayley met. He saved her from an abusive relationship she was in, and he couldn't believe what he just did without a second thought. Hayley's body began shaking as the sobs came faster and harder. Derek threw his arms around Hayley, holding her tightly in his embrace. He kept whispering things into her ear. He kept telling her that he would never even think of hitting or raising his hand at her. Once Derek got Hayley to calm down and stop crying, she held onto him like her life depended on it. Their fight was left forgotten, but Derek was still worried about her. He couldn't do much about it though, but he just wanted her to know that he loves her and that means he will be worried about her.

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