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Derek could tell you all you needed to know about Hayley Erbert. He could tell you that she was one of the nice popular girls. That no matter how hard she tried to hide it, she was insecure. That her eyes lit up anytime you talked about her favorite classes. Which were literature and gym if you were wondering. She would blush anytime someone called her beautiful. She wasn't full of herself, so everyone wanted to be her friend. You could see the love radiating off of her. He loved how she would get all flustered when embarrassed, because he thought she looked cute. He loved that she didn't start any drama. When he rarely  saw her glare he thought it was the cutest thing in the world. He loved how she bit down on her bottom lip when she was thinking of the answer. He loved that she twirled her hair when she got nervous. He noticed everything about her. He noticed that to calm herself down her hands would start shaking a little. He noticed how her face lit up when someone talked about kids. He noticed that on some days she'd come to school and put on a fake smile. He saw the way that her eyes crinkled every time she laughed. Derek noticed her, everything about her from her looks to her personality. He was in love with her, but she would never know. For there was one day, where she never came back.

An//: I actually wrote this so long ago

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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