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Hayley has Dancing With The Stars rehearsals all day today. The brunette had a pounding headache so she took a couple Advil. She left within the next 5 minutes, and was on her way to the studio.

A Little Later In Rehearsals

Hayley was dancing with Gleb when her legs collapsed under her body. Luckily Gleb was still supporting her so he caught her. Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at her in worry. "Hayley are you good or do you need help," Gleb asked her. Hayley tried to start walking again but it was useless, so Gleb started to guide her to one of the couches. Before they go there Hayley passed out, leaving a very limp brunette in Gleb's arms.

Later @ hospital

All the dancers were waiting for new on Hayley's condition. Derek and the rest of the Hough's were informed that Hayley was brought to the hospital by Emma. They came as fast as they could and got there 20 minutes later. When they got there a doctor came out, "Family and Friends of Hayley Erbert." We all looked up with hope and he came over. "We have been running some tests and have an idea of what is going on with Ms. Erbert. She has been having some symptoms like having a rash on the small of her back, she has a high fever, since she's gotten here she has seemed a bit drowsy, and she told us that lately she has been getting headaches." Derek then commented with "Is that it or is there more your not telling us." "And why was she unable to walk," Gleb asked. "You are correct in assuming there is more and as for the reason why she was unable to walk it is because what we think is wrong can result in weakness in arms and legs. You might want to sit down for this next part though," the doctor explained and we all complied. "You see we have found out that this has been going on for a week or two but the symptoms are just coming out badly now. Since it wasn't treated right away it's much more severe. Ms. Erbert's heart rate has dropped drastically, but we think if we keep her here for a couple weeks that she'll be fine," he explained and they had no idea what should be said. "Can I go and see her at least," Derek questioned. "Yes you may Sir, she is in room 515," the man answered and walked away. Derek headed down to her room and hesitated when he met the door. He opened it and his heart wrenched at what he saw. There in the bed laid his girlfriend (who he was planning on proposing to when she got better) who had beads of sweat on her face and look extremely pale (which is saying something because she has a natural looking tan). He went up beside her and squeezed her hand, but he immediately started thinking the worst. What if she didn't get better? What if she stayed I the hospital for the rest of her life? What if she died? "Derek, Derek I'm fine it's alright nothings going to happen you just need to let the doctors to do their jobs," Hayley snapped him out of his thoughts. He didn't understand how she was so calm but then again she was probably told what she has. "D the doctor said I should be the one to tell you what they think I have. They said that you can pass the message to everyone else. In their recent tests they have evidence that I have Lymes disease," she said and Derek began to panic. How did she get it? "Derek everything is going to be alright, I'm gonna be alright, I lov," but she didn't finish because she passed out. Derek just say there holding the hand of the love of his life, who had fallen victim of Lymes disease.

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