Midoria's Heart 24 - Daybreak

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So, hopefully this chapter will  give you some insight into the mysterious life of Emmiie and AwesomeAsian's favourite character in this story. I realize that we don't really know a lot about where he comes from... which makes the fact that a lot of you think he's evil kinda weird... o.O but whatever. This chapter could either add to or debunk (thats fun to say) your suspicions, but either way, I do hope you enjoy it =)



Chapter 24 - Daybreak

It was hot – too hot. I sat up and rubbed at my eyes, trying to see something… anything. But thick, black smoke clouded my vision as the air rippled with the intense heat of the room. Sweat dripped down my forehead, neck and body, and I could feel my lungs constricting as I struggled to breathe.


A sudden, high-pitched scream rang through my ears and head, and I threw myself out of bed, wrenching the door open despite the burning-hot handle. I ran into the hall and immediately skidded to a stop. Roaring flames covered every inch of my vision, flickering dangerously in a sinister dance and blocking my escape.


Another scream pierced through the crackling of the fire and I hesitated before making a break for it. I leapt through the flames, feeling them burn my flesh, but I ignored the pain and kept running. I had to find her!


Through the flames, down the hall, up the stairs I ran – all the while coughing and choking as smoke filled my lungs and eyes, making them sting with tears. I was so close, yet so incredibly far away.


Finally I was there; the door was right in front of me, taunting me, but I could not go in… I already knew what I would find.


I already knew…


She was screaming… mother…


But I already knew I couldn’t save her. I knew, because this was a dream.


It was a dream!


Wasn’t it?


Another scream and I couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed the handle and threw open the door. The flames went out with a Whoosh! and all of the light faded into darkness. I stepped warily into the room, the stone cold against my bare feet.


Voices whispered menacingly in my head as I stepped further into the darkness.


“It’s your fault…” they cried. “All your fault!”


Suddenly lightning flashed through the windows, lighting up the room enough for me to see a broken body lying on the floor a few feet in front of me. Apprehension seized me, and I closed my eyes.

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