Chapter 12

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Stan's POV

We stopped at a gas station so I can relax. Driving all the way to California is a total of seventeen hours, and we're only ten hours in. Since I'm driving I needed to take a break due to how tired I was. We couldn't book a hotel to rest in, so we all decided to sleep in the mini van. We all bought extra pillows and blankets, and since the van was kinda large it was easy to sleep in.

Kyle, Kenny and Cartman were all inside of the convenience store to buy more snacks meanwhile Butters and I were setting up the blankets and pillows.

"This is a nice mini Van, Stan. The seats are big enough to sleep on." Butters says, smiling as he sets up his spot to sleep on. I always wonder how he always stays happy.

"By the way, you seem kinda upset today." He adds. I gave him a puzzled look. Was I upset today?
That's right. I was sorta angry that Kyle didn't wanna sit next to me during the trip.

"I'm fine Butters. I'm just tired after driving for ten hours."

"Oh... I thought you were upset because you had to sit next to me the whole time."

"What? No! I don't mind sitting next to you dude."

I sighed. I didn't mean to seem that upset over Kyle not wanting to sit next to me. Having Butters next to me wasn't bad at all.

"I just wanted to hang out with my best friend. That's all. Kyle doesn't seem like my best friend anymore lately... he's been hanging out with Cartman more. I don't wanna sound petty though and say that he shouldn't hang out with Cartman. I just miss him."

Butters patted me on the shoulder. "Aw geez, I'm sure Kyle just wants to get to know Eric more. I'll tell Kyle to switch spots with me tomorrow. I've been wanting to sit next to Eric for a while."

I smiled at him. "Thanks Butters, but I don't mind sitting next to you. You're cool."

Kyle's POV

Kenny ended up flirting with the cashier while Cartman and I were finding snacks for all of us to eat tomorrow. Kenny is the worst flirter I've ever witnessed.

"Me and my boys were just stopping by, but I wanna get to know you better. How about we go get a drink? Just you and me🕺" Kenny says. The female cashier looked confused. I felt so bad for her.

"Kyle look! I found zucchini bread🥒🍞 Stan said you love zucchini bread." Cartman holds the packaged zucchini bread in front of my face.

"Smh. I prefer a whole zucchini🥒 but I guess zucchini bread🥒🍞 is fine too."

Cartman and I ended up buying a bunch of chips, chocolates, sodas and cookies. Butters said that he would like cookies. We ended up dragging Kenny away from the poor cashier before he could embarrass himself even more.

"Did y'all set up the beds?" I ask. Stan and Butters nod. The blankets were laid on top of the seats with at least two pillows on each seat. We all came extra prepared👏

Kenny slept all the way in the back with Butters near him. Cartman slept in the middle while I was in the front next to Stan. I've been meaning to talk to Stan recently too. We haven't been talking that much this month. There's been a lot going on... with Cartman especially.

"Hey Stan!" I loudly whispered. Kenny seemed fast asleep and I didn't want to wake him up. Butters and Cartman seemed tired too. "Thanks for driving us to California."

"It's no big deal." Stan replied. We were both facing each other while talking. I could overhear Cartman and Butters whispering too. Stan and I continued to talk about random topics before we both fell asleep.

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