Chapter 15

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Wendy's pov

After Bebe rejected me and I ran into Heidi at the coffee shop, things were different.

Me and Heidi spent more time together. I accidentally ended up distancing myself from Bebe because I felt awkward even if she did continuously apologize. I don't want her to feel guilty about rejecting me every time she's around me.

Heidi and I were both currently at the mall shopping. Spring break was coming to an end and we were looking for some cute clothes before break is over💃💃

Heidi was telling me a story about something embarrassing her dad did last week. I was focusing, until I saw them.

Bebe and Clyde walking side by side, smiling and laughing together.

Heidi noticed my facial expression changed and she looked towards them as well.

"Come on Wends lets go," she grabbed my hand gently and went to guide me into a store so we didn't have to see them, but it was too late.

Bebe smiled when she noticed us and quickly grabbed Clyde's hand, making her way over to us. Is she trying to hurt me more by bringing her boyfriend over here?

"Hey Wendy, hey Heidi." Bebe smiled.

She had the most beautiful smile...

Clyde waved at us and smiled.

"Hey Bebe." Heidi spoke. I didn't say anything, I tried to reply, but my words wouldn't come out, so I just gave a small wave.

"What are you two doing here?" Bebe asked.

Heidi rolled her eyes slightly, but only I seemed to notice.
"Shopping" she replied. "We have to go now. It was nice talking to you. Goodbye." Heidi took me by the hand again before walking past Bebe and Clyde.

I felt the weight on my chest be lifted and I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much Heidi. I couldn't even speak to her. I'm sorry you couldn't talk to her for long because of me." I frowned

Heidi and I walked into another store that we thought had some nice clothes. "It's okay Wendy. I didn't care to talk to her. You're more important." She smiled at me.

I smiled back.

She sees me as important...?

I'm important to someone for once.

Stan never made me feel important. Everyone knew Kyle was the most important person to him...

But Heidi...

I was snapped out of my thought by Heidi holding a purple dress up to me. "This is really cute. I'm sure it would look even cuter on you." She winked. 👗

I smiled and took the dress. It was really cute. It was purple too. My favorite color.

"I'll try it on." I replied.

Heidi nodded and smiled, then she continued looking though the selection of clothes.

We soon left the mall and I ended up buying the dress. We also both decided to go get Frozen Yogurt.

It was an amazing day. I completely forgot about running into Bebe and Clyde thanks to Heidi.

Kyle's pov

After being stuck with these four assholes for a week(aka Butters😡😡) we were finally leaving and going back home.

"Dammit no more free food." Kenny complained as we packed away all of our belongings into Stans mini van.

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