Chapter 2: The Cat came Back

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Your P.O.V.
It was 4:25 pm and you were on your way to the bar. Selina had said she'd be coming back, and you knew she would. It was raining down again, although lightly, as you walked out if your apartment. You were walking down the street as the rain dripped down on the empty roads, the people were either on their phones or quickly hurrying out of the rain. As you walked you saw the same person take the back exit again, you also saw a motorcycle in the alley. You suspected that it was Selina but you wanted to wait and catch her in the act later, plus it could've been someone else. You continued walking and you saw some guys near a car trunk. You saw the masks, Penguin's men. You ignored them as they were petty thugs either way. You entered the bar and saw that Jeremiah, the owner of Hamill bar and your boss, was there. He was standing behind the counter cleaning one of the glasses. You said "Evening, Jeremiah. You're here early." "I was hoping to see you. I heard you conversed with Selina Kyle." His British accent pierced with the name, which was off considering what you were planning on doing. You bluntly said "Yes." as you put your trenchcoat in the back.

He put the glass down and asked "What did she steal?" "Nothing. But she's scouting out the bar. And she saw the safe." you said from the back. "Shit. She's the best thief there is." Jeremiah said as he checked the false safe. You came out from the back and said "Don't fret over it. We gotta keep her distracted." "And how do you plan on that?" he asked as he looked at you. You were arranging the alcohol as you said "I have a plan: she trusts me and she's coming back tonight. You see her, you don't make any indication you know her." Jeremiah looked at you with a fake shocked expression and said, sarcastically "Did you just give your boss orders?" "I have a plan. If it is to work everything must go accordingly." "Understandable. So, what's the play?"

Selina's P.O.V.
I saw him go in the bar and I don't think he saw me. I was going to play it safe and do a patrol around the bar, there were only two entrances and a skylight on the roof. The two entrances being the back way in for employees and the front way for everyone. It was going to be tough but at least I'd see (F/N). 'What are you thinking Selina. Get a grip on yourself.' I thought as I saw some people walk in the bar. The rain was starting to pick up so I figured it would be a good idea to get inside.

Your P.O.V.
You saw the usual trio walk in and Selina not close behind. The must of the alcohol looming off of the bottles caught their attention and sat down right at the end of the counter. Selina sat right in front of you, her chest was resting on the counter and her eyes were focused on you. You knew it was too bring your guard down but you couldn't help but look in her eyes. It was mesmerizing but you also kept your guard up. She said "Heya (F/N). How are you doing?" "I'm just peachy." you said as you got the trio their usual. As you walked to the other end you saw Selina eyeing the false safe. You knew she hadn't seen the real one, and it made the plan go by smoother. As you walked back she asked "So how does it feel to have a friend who hasn't left yet." "Keyword: yet." "Don't be so down (F/N). You won't get rid of me easily." she said as she winked at me. You thought she was trying to pull you in, you've seen her do it before. When Arkham City was built you were visiting one of your employers there. He was killed by a member of the League of Assassins and you were left for three days fending off criminals and hiding from the big guys. You managed to see her in action, one of her moves being seducing a goon, kissing him, and knocking him out. But she wasn't instantly going for the kiss, which was good.

She said "I'm sorry if that seemed like I was flirting with you. Guys find me attractive all the time and normally make the usual disgusting remarks." "Well you are attractive, but I'm never one to go out of line. So if you don't want me to say it just let me know." you spoke. She giggled, it was short but it stung you in the good way and you didn't know why, and she said "Well, it's good to have a compliment and not a dirty remark." You got her some chianti and said "It's better to have friends that care for you than friends that don't." she nodded her head and took a sip of the chianti. She put the glass down and said "I will admit, this bar has the best tequila." you laughed and said "Well, it's one of the things we're good at making." She took another sip and you saw more people come in, you said "Well, the drinks don't pour themselves. I'll talk soon." "I hope, you're the only interesting thing here." she said as you got back to work.

Selina's P.O.V.
I will admit, (F/N) is a nice (guy/gal). (He/She) cares for others and (he/she) cares for me. 'Damnit Selina. Stop thinking that' but either way, that safe seems legit. I can't ask about it just yet so I'll have to wait on that question. (He/She) might get suspicious, and now that I think about it (he/she) reminds me of Bruce. (He/She) has a good heart, (he's/she's) well built, (he/she) doesn't hurt anyone. No wonder I might be falling for (him/her), but either way someone will catch me or I'll land on my feet. (He/She) got back and said "Sorry about that, someone needed some help with what to pick. First timer." I chuckled and said "So, how about I ask a question about you and you ask a question about me. It'll help us understand each other." (He/She) pondered about it and said "Ok, I'll bite. What do you want to know about me?" "If you would have a pet, what would you have." I asked. He let out a sigh and said "A cat. Even though dogs are loyal they take a lot of work and I already got enough on my plate. Plus there are more stray cats than dogs in Gotham so yeah, a cat." I smiled, (he/she) likes cats so he might like me. (He/She) then asked "Just out of curiosity, how did you hear of Hamill's Bar?" I took my last sip of chianti and said "I just moved to a new place and saw the bar nearby. Decided to have a look when I unpacked, I'm glad I looked." (He/She) smiled and I was about to ask a question, but my phone rang. I was working another job and this one just had an opening. I said "I'm sorry, it's my landlord." "I understand. See you tomorrow?" "Definitely." I said as I walked out of the bar, looking back just to see (F/N) one last time.

Your P.O.V.
Selina was a complicated one, she cared for you and the money. But it might be a ploy, but then again it might not be. Jeremiah left a while ago to check in with the 'Big Man' as Jeremiah calls him. You headed home, the moonlight flashed as sirens wailed, the rain stopped around 10. It was now fifteen minutes to midnight. You were exhausted and wanted sleep. You entered your apartment and saw the plans for taking down Selina, you thought 'I'll save it for tomorrow.' and flopped down on the bed, bringing the covers up. You couldn't help but think of Selina, what she was thinking, what she was going to do. But you had to stop thinking about it in order to go asleep.

A/N: This was supposed to be up yesterday but family came over and the internet's been a bitch. But it's up and I'm tired as hell so I hope you enjoyed. Vote for the next books in my conversations and have a great day/night. :)

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