The Bermuda

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"We are experiencing some turbulence. Please stay seated as we are close to landing on Bermuda Island," the pilot warned. The plane shook in agreement. Some passengers chattered in excitement, meanwhile, others were terrified.

My eyes were glued to the ceiling and my hands gripped the seat. I took in deep breaths and tried to calm my pulse. The plane shook again and I just wanted to shrink and hide in a. Safe. Stable environment.

I turned my head to get my neck in a better position. When I heard a thunderclap that slapped me back into the seat.

"Ladies and gentlemen. We are going through some turbulence. . ."

'Didn't they already say this'

My eyes then darted to the dark clouds that loomed outside the plane.

'Hopefully, we'll land soon before the storm hits. I'd rather face a Bermuda incident over a watery grave.'

I sigh again. My body, even in fight or flight mode, is putting me in an uncomfortable position. I stretch my arms and legs the best I could in the tiny seat. In all that stretching, I realized I haven't read the letter Auntie had sent me.

I went through my jacket and found the letter. I tore one side of the envelope to see its contents.

There was an article that my aunt wrote about Bermuda and it seems she's a 'scientist' of some kind. Mom never told me exactly what type of scientist Urtha was.

The article read:
The Bermuda Incidents have caused disappearances in passenger planes to inducing strange side effects on those that survive crashes. These crashes or abductions are no longer random. They are now...

My eyes skimmed through the article and went straight to the letter.

Urtha's letter:
I hope you are well and I am glad that you will be here for the summer as an intern. The article I've given you is an interesting piece that I wrote. It will give you some information on what I do here in Bermuda Island.

I know that your mother was hesitant to let you go. But I assure you Bermuda is a wonderful and safe place for you to intern. Also for your twentieth birthday I have enclosed in the envelope a necklace of sorts. I don't have any more time to explain. But it will help you in case you are in danger and need help.

Lastly, you probably didn't know I was doing research on these incidents. And your mom doesn't really talk about the business that runs in our family. . . .

The plane shakes and I slam the letter to grab more purchase of the seat.

'Great. First time on a plane visit to see Aunt Urtha and it leads to some trouble.' My knuckles turn white as I try to settle my nerves.

'Calm down. Take deep breaths. . . And don't think about a 1,000-mile drop to your death'

I then glance at the letter and see a lotus necklace hanging from a piece of Scotch tape. I smiled at the fact that my aunt at least knew my birthday and what my favorite flower was. My fingers went over the necklaces intricate details in the golden string.

My aunt was always the one left out in our family and she was ridiculed for her crazy ideas that led to disasters. Aka... She was known as the mad scientist or that is what my mom would say about her.

But if there was one thing that I liked about her is that she was always an optimist and always looked for the good in others. I had a loving family. Or so I thought before the first dimension jump occurred.


I was playing around with my favorite Kung Fu Panda characters in the play area. The laughter of children echoed in my ears as I focused on fighting the tables evil villagers. When a gust pushed the table over. My eyes snapped towards the glowing orb floating above my face. It was alluring and my sense of danger was quelled by curiosity. I was attracted to the warmth. A growing wish to caress the light. A sudden shock went through me and my consciousness faded to black.

The story goes that I was the one to strike my peers with blows. But I couldn't remember a thing. I saw the footage. I told them it wasn't me that did the damage. I saw myself and it wasn't me. It was a monster. A spotted snow leopard in pants. I tried to tell them it looked like one of my figures.

But I was just a child and to them, it looked like I was insane. My aunt was there to comfort me and try to understand what had happened. All I could hear when my auntie wrapped me in her arms were their cries. Telling me to stop punching them. My head pounded with memories that weren't mine. Flooding with bloody images of scraped skulls.

"I'm a monster," I told myself with tears falling down. Rocking my body back and forth.

"No. You're not a monster." My aunt told me with certainty. But I wouldn't believe her. Those punches were mine and I felt bones break.

After the incident. My family fell apart.

One night, my aunt was preparing for a road trip. It was my Mom's suggestion to leave home. The same night a dimension jump occurred in my parent's room. I was going to give my parents a hug before departing. When My father and mother took on the host's memories. According to my aunt, the creature tried to impose his will on one of them. But since the jump wasn't stable enough. They became trapped in between the hosts.

I saw my father shrivel into a pale skeleton. My mother fainted, while I saw my father gasping for air. When suddenly for a split second. The creature possessed my father long enough to see the same leopard. I staggered backward from the creature. The Leopard than let go of the connection and vanished at the sight of my aunt throwing a device that glitched out electric vines. 

He vanished in a pile of smoke with the device landing on the floor.

My aunt called an ambulance. She later told me that what I had witnessed and what she saw in the kitchen was the Bermuda theory.

 A dimension jump. But I didn't care. My family, my life, who I was didn't make sense. I wanted to go home.

 But home was gone.


I had to move to a different school and the loss of my father would always remind me about the animal that destroyed my family.

But everyone saw me as a disillusioned monster and wanted nothing to do with me. But slowly I was able to understand that what happened to me was a dimension jump. The traveler had taken hold of my body as a host for their actions. Thanks to my aunt discovering these anomalies I was forgiven to an extent and I was slowly accepting that I wasn't who I thought I was in the past.

After that, she stayed for a while and helped us. But she had to leave and it's only now that my aunt was able to come into contact with my mom. As it turns out,  she became a head researcher at Bermuda and had offered an internship to me.

She was the one that recently discovered the random dimension jumps and had been able to control them from the Bermuda center. Everyone wanted to go to a different dimension after a few rich people went on fun adventures. Where the locals treated them like gods. But their eagerness to jump into a different dimension reminded me that my life was ruined by a traveling maniac.

'I accepted the internship. But my mom did say something weird about her having murphy's law and warned me to be careful. Whatever that meant. Anywhere, away from society is a better place to be. Don't need the wrong attention from the media'

I then put on the necklace and went through the letter to see, if there was anything else inside it. I lifted the folds of the envelope to find a picture of the tigress, one of my favorite kung fu panda characters. I blushed red because my aunt still thinks I like cartoons. The show was the only good thing that kept me moving forward during those dark times.

Although, I did gush about this specific tiger when I was growing up. It wasn't worth the pain I received for it long ago. She must know that I am too old for this show.

The plane begun to shake roughly. My head slammed into the window and darkness then greeted me.

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