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Hello, my wonderful readers! I am so stoked and pleased to announce that today is End Of The Lines one year anniversary!!! It's honestly been a crazy year I can't believe so much time has passed already!

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Hello, my wonderful readers! I am so stoked and pleased to announce that today is End Of The Lines one year anniversary!!! It's honestly been a crazy year I can't believe so much time has passed already!

I can't believe my book has gained so much traction (30K GUYS!) and so much love. Each and every time you comment reassuring things to me keeps me going and inspires me to write more often. Have I mentioned that I love you all?! You guys power me through this and keep me going! Without all of you, End Of The Line would simply be a fragment of my imagination.

I'd personally like to thank all of you that have been here since the beginning, I know you must have ALOT of patience if you were able to last a year

And I know my updating schedules been a little wonky lightly but that's just because of some personal stuff going on in my life right now. I'm about halfway done the next chapter so hopefully, I'll get this thing back on track.

To make up for it and to celebrate April 16th I've written a little one-shot for y' all! Hope you enjoy!


I lazily sat with one leg draped over the armrest of the chair and tuned in and out of the conversation that was occurring in this team meeting.

"Well, we got to do something!" Barry argued.

"Or else?" Ralph carelessly asked.

"Or the city gets destroyed!" he stated with a face of bewilderment.

Oh no, biggie, just a normal day at the office.

Ralph made a face of unease and shifted in his shoes, "Can't argue with that."

I yawned and stretched my arms and all attention was drawn to me, "I'll take that as an 'Ok team let's go suit up'?" I assumed.

Barry shook his head and said, "Did you really have to yawn?"

"Absolutely," I piped and pranced out of my chair. Everyone around the room dismissed and the super heros and heroines all went to suit up.

"Yo Cisco!" I called after him, "My super suit ready yet?"

"Follow me," he answered and I listened.

"You better have followed my design pal," I jokingly threatened then mentioned under my breath, "if it looks anything remotely like Ralphs I'll kill you."

"Hey, hey. Don't be harsh," he murmured and we walked into his tinkering room.

I stood in the doorway and leaned against the frame while he made his way to the manikin covered with a white sheet.

"May I present..." he paused and yanked off the tarp, "Your drapes!"

My eyes lit up at the sight of it, "Thank god," I breathed. It looked almost identical to the illusion I had shown him. At first, I had no objection to just wearing an illusion, till that fateful day where Dibny thought it would be funny to make it disappear to see if I was wearing anything under it.

End Of The Line // Ralph DibnyWhere stories live. Discover now