Chapter 1

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Hoseok POV

"What's the plans for this weekend, Chim?" I ask happily as I sling my arm over Jimin's shoulder, smiling down at the younger boy. He chuckles, smiling as he shakes his head at me. He simply takes my arm and unwraps it from his shoulders, both of us knowing better than to leave it there.

"Hyung, when are you going to learn not to do that type of stuff? You know Yoongi hates that and that he gets jealous easy." Jimin lightly scolds me, giving me a playful glare. I laugh loudly at this, knowing he's entirely right since I've actually seen it with my own eyes before.

"It's just fun to mess with the two of you occasionally, Jimin. You know it's all in fun with me." I respond lightly, ruffling his hair which causes him to giggle. Though of course, this magically summons Yoongi hyung out of nowhere, appearing by Jimin's other side as he wraps an arm protectively around his boyfriends waist.

"And you know I don't like others touching what's mine, so fuck off." Yoongi cuts in, giving me a small glare himself. We all know he means no harm though, knowing he just gets a little worried over the possibility of losing Jimin after what happened with his last relationship back in high school with some kid named Taehyung.

"Ah, there's our favorite hyung! I was just asking him what the plans are for this weekend." I greet our oldest friend happily. A small smile forms on his lips as he looks over to the younger, resting his head on Jimin's shoulder for a moment before lifting it back up.

"We're holding a party at our apartment tomorrow. Celebrating the night Jiminie and I met two years ago. I'm assuming you'll be coming, right? There's at least thirty people probably invited by now or at least that knows of it." Yoongi responds softly, glancing over to me curiously. And as if it never happened, the previous playful argument is long forgotten as if it never happened, something that I love about the three of us.

"Of course I'll be there, hyung. You know I'm always in for a good party. Besides, what kind of best friend would I be to the two of you if I didn't come to celebrate?" I answer contently with a smile. They both smile over at me, clearly happy to confirm that I'll be there tomorrow night.

"How's your guys' dance classes going? Getting any further in preparing for that dance final that's coming up in a month?" Yoongi asks curiously, moving on to make more conversation with the two of us.

"Oh, hyung, it's insane! They're wanting so much out of us and making it so damn complex. Needing to memorize their own stupid dance that hardly goes along to the music they picked, and then we've got to create our own dance together and it's just dumber than hell." Jimin explodes dramatically, practically tossing himself onto the older. Yoongi giggles brightly at his boyfriends cuteness, rubbing Jimin's back gently as he kisses his head. I just smile at the sight of the two of them, trying to ignore the twinge of pain that tugs at my chest at the reminder of how alone I really am.

"I'm sure you'll do amazing, Jiminie. You always do well and ace your exams. It's what you love to do, baby." Yoongi chuckles softly as Jimin picks himself back up off of the other. Jimin blushes lightly at the small compliments that Yoongi pays him, smiling shyly over to the older black haired boy.

"You two are way too cute sometimes. Seriously, the party tomorrow better not be all flowery and shit." I chuckle softly, shaking my head at the two of them. They both roll their eyes at me, looking over at me with small smiles.

"Come on, hyung. You know Yoongi would never let that happen." Jimin teases lightly, nudging the other with a wink. I force myself not to roll my eyes, thankful that we've finally reached the parking lot of our college campus.

"Whatever. I'll see you two tomorrow, yeah?" I tell them with a smile, trying hard not to be bitter and quiet. They both give me smiles, nodding their head and waving before heading off in the direction of Yoongi's car. I just pause for a moment, sighing softly to myself as I watch them walk away.

Shaking my head to myself, I stuff my hands into my pockets and begin to make my walk home to my own apartment that I share with the youngest of our friends. I really do love spending time with those two and I'm unbelievably happy for them to be together. It's just hard to spend too much time with them. They don't really hide their relationship that much, making it really easy to hit my insecurities even though they have no idea.

"At least they're having a party tomorrow. I know I'll be able to drag Kookie with me and I won't have to go alone this time."

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