Chapter 2

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Soyeon POV

Acknowledging the shade that's suddenly cast over me and the book that I've been reading for the last half hour, I smile lightly as I lift my head up to look at my best friend and roommate who's currently stood in front of me and blocking the sun. She's got a small frown on her face as she rolls her eyes at me.

"Honestly, Soyeon. I don't think I'm ever going to understand you." Soona says as she shakes her head at me. I just roll my eyes at my her, placing my bookmark in my book before closing it and standing.

"You're just frustrated because I can enjoy the simple things in life and don't have to live as loudly as you." I tease softly, nudging her gently. She just smiles and rolls her eyes at me once more.

"I'll crack you out of that shell of yours one of these days." She argues playfully, ruffling my long wavy dark brown hair. I give her a small glare, knowing that she knows all too well how much I dislike people touching my hair.

"Come on, Yeonie. You can't stay bubbled up in your own little world forever. How the hell are you supposed to find someone to marry if you never go out or get out of your shell a bit?" Soona tries to argue dramatically, making me roll my eyes once more.

"Right, and you're way of finding a guy is so great? Going to every party around campus and sleeping with as many guys as you can?" I retort disinterestedly. She gives me a small glare, scoffing quietly.

"It's better than yours. Life isn't some fairytale, Soyeon. Some guy isn't going to randomly approach you while you're sitting out on a bench in one of your flowery dresses and reading. Nobody's gonna come up to you and compliment you, strike up some random ass conversation and then ask you to date them or marry them." She huffs, flicking her short sleek black hair over her shoulder that it just barely reaches.

"Have you ever thought that maybe I'm just happy being on my own and that I don't need anyone to make me happy and make me feel like my life is full?" I question, raising an eyebrow as I look over to her whilst holding my book to my chest gently.

"I don't believe that shit for a second, Soyeon. Which, is why I'm you're best friend and saving your sorry ass." Soona answers triumphantly. I groan at this, not wanting to even know what shit she's got up her sleeve this time.

"Soona, no. I don't care what you think you're gonna get me to do, but it's not happening. The answer is already a no." I say, hoping to stop her before she even gets started going.

"Oh, come on, Soyeon! It'll be so good for you to just get out for once. It's just one little party, please?!" Soona immediately starts begging. Though, the mention of a party makes my eyes go wide, giving her a full glare this time as my lips fall slack in surprise.

"A party? Soona, are you insane?! Who the hell do you think I am?! The last thing I do is crowds and you know that. Besides, parties are always loud and annoying and stuffy. People grinding all over each other and getting drunk off their asses and sleeping with total fucking strangers. What the hell makes you think I'd ever even consider doing something like that?" I exclaim quietly, mildly pissed that she would even think of suggesting such an activity. She gives me a sheepish smile though, wrapping her arms around me in attempt to convince me as we reach our apartment door, unlocking it myself.

"Please, Yeonie? It's just Jimin and Yoongi. They don't throw huge parties most of the time. They're honestly on the smaller side of things for college parties." Soona begs with puppy eyes. I scoff, rolling my eyes at her as I push the door open and step inside.

"Right. Two of the most popular guys on campus who also happen to be dating? That's gonna be a huge ass party and I'm sure as hell not gonna be there." I counter, shaking my head at her in disbelief.

"Please, Yeonie! It'll be the only party I ever drag you to, I promise! They really don't tend to throw big parties. Yoongi gets too protective and jealous of any guys that interact with Jimin to be able to let it be some huge party. Please? Just for me? Just this once?" Soona begs, dramatically getting down on her knees and giving me puppy eyes again. I frown at my best friend, shaking my head at her antics.

"No, Soona."

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