Chapter 4

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Soyeon POV

Sitting on my bed in my room, my attention is pulled from my book by my room door being opened, finding my roommate being behind it. I raise an eyebrow at her, not liking how suspicious she looks right now and knowing that it's coming close to time for her to be leaving for the party.

"Soona, I'm not coming with you." I tell her matter of factly as I return my gaze to the beautifully printed words on the page of the book I'm reading. Though, before I can get more than another sentence read, the book is suddenly stolen from my grasp, the bookmark getting haphazardly tossed into it before she shuts it and tosses it onto my dresser. My eyes widen at her actions, glaring up at her.

"Soona! What the hell?! You have to be careful with those, it's a paperback! You'll bend something!" I exclaim, hopping up from my bed to make sure my book is okay.

"Now that the silly book is out of your hands, it's time to get you all ready!" She claps her hands excitedly. I spin on my heel to glare at her, not at all amused by any of this.

"I thought I told you I wasn't going, Soona?" I question with a huff, still not wanting to go. She gives me cute puppies once again, clasping her hands together like she'd done yesterday when we came in the door.

"Please, Soyeon? Just this once? I'll buy you all the books and sketchpads your heart desires if you come with me tonight." She offers, begging me all over again. I groan in annoyance, fed up with this but not wanting her to just go out on her own like she always does.

"I don't ever want to hear you bitching about me being introverted and staying to myself ever again, Soona. I swear I will smack you myself if you do." I grumble frustratedly. She squeals at this, jumping up off the bed as she runs over to me and jumps on me.

"But I get to pick what I'm wearing!" I yell before she can claim that advantage. She groans at this, releasing me instantly as she gives me a dirty look.

"Bitch." She mumbles in defeat as she exits my room to presumably get her makeup kit that I'm sure is coming.

Sighing to myself, I shake my head as I sit down at my makeup desk in my room. There's a mirror hung on the wall directly in front of it, making it easy to see what I'm doing when I actually bother with a little makeup. I just move my things out of the way though, before standing and heading over to my closet. I ignore Soona as she enters my room once more, makeup kit in hand as she heads for the makeup desk. Instead, I search through my closet for something cute to wear, knowing it'd be a nightmare if I let her anywhere near my clothes.

Finally settling on a midnight blue colored summery dress, I smile at it. Grabbing that and my white sneakers, I head over to my attached bathroom, quickly getting changed into the different outfit. It stops just above my knees, little white stars scattered across the entire dress. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I smile to myself a little, thinking that I at least look a little cute.

Content with this, I walk out of my bathroom and back into my bedroom where Soona is now waiting for me. She gives me a small frown, clearly not too happy with my outfit choice as I make my way over to her.

"You had to pick something like that? Soyeon, come on. Why couldn't you choose something at least a little more flirty or something?" She whines with a pout. I roll my eyes at her, giving her a small glare.

"Because this outfit is completely me and I'm not going wear something that isn't me, something revealing or anything like that. I'm not you, Soona." I respond, sitting down on my chair in front of my makeup desk. She just gives me a huffy breath, whining once more before turning me away from the mirror and beginning on my makeup.

"One of these days. One of these days I'll get you out of that shell of yours. I'll find you a boy friend one of these days." She mumbles under her breath softly, focusing her attention on doing my makeup for me.

"Don't even think of doing super heavy and crazy makeup, Soona. I swear." I threaten her without meaning, knowing I wouldn't ever dare to hurt her. She giggles softly, smiling down at me.

"I can't just do some great makeup when you've picked such a simple outfit, silly. I have to make it match."

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