Chapter 21

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Hoseok POV

Finally arriving at Soyeon's apartment, I knock on the front door before waiting. I have no idea what's going on and why she seemed so nervous in her text , but I figured it must be important if she seemed so worried. When she opens the door, I can see just how nervous she is, making me frown lightly.

"Hey, baby. What's wrong? What's got you all worked up?" I question with concern, immediately stepping forward to wrap my arms around her. I hear a small whimper fall from her lips, making me worry even more as I rub her back gently. She pulls away though, reaching out and taking my hand lightly in hers before bringing me into her apartment. There's a sad overcast in her beautiful eyes as she somewhat avoids eye contact, making me worry even more as to what's going on. Though, I don't say anything, hoping she'll talk to me about it and that it's why she asked for me to come here in the first place.

She brings us over to the couch in her living room before letting go of my hand, motioning for me to sit before moving to the other end of the couch like she had last Saturday when I came over for us to watch a movie. She nods her head towards the coffee table in front of us, making me notice the mug of tea sat in front of my spot as well as her own cup in front of herself. I give her a small smile at this, picking it up but not taking a sip from it yet, still more focused on what's going on with Soyeon.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I ask once more, my gaze solely focused on her rather than the tea in my hand. I watch as she bites her lower lip, gaze falling from me down to the couch cushion that's laid between us.

"Do you still really want to be with me?"

I'm caught off guard by the question, noticing the way her soft lips quiver almost instantly once the question's been dropped from her mouth. This only worries me more, not understanding why she would ask such a question.

"Of course I do, baby. Why would you ask such a thing?" I ask softly, deciding upon playing it safe and letting her have the space that she seems to want at the moment, despite how much I want to move over and pull her into my side. Despite how much I just want to hold her right now and kiss her until those nasty little fears have gone away.

"Because you don't act like it."

Her voice is a little stronger this time, a little more firm. This makes my eyes widen in surprise, feeling as though I've been properly accused this time, watching her gaze cast back up to me with a small frown on her lips.

"Soyeon, how do I not act like I want to be with you?" I question, setting the mug down this time before leaning back in my seat with a skeptical look in my eyes. She whimpers at this, lips beginning to tremble again as she gives me what's probably supposed to be a glare.

"You only talk to me if I want to talk to you, Hobi. I have to be the one to initiate everything unless it's morning during the school week. Plus, you're constantly out there flirting with all the damn girls that fucking adore you and your damn friends! Hell, you went out partying last night! Only single people go to fucking parties unless you're taking your boyfriend or girlfriend with you! You probably even fucking cheated on me while you were at the damn party. You've not even taken me out on like a cute date or anything. What the hell am I supposed to think other than that you might not want to actually be with me?" Soyeon snaps, her voice softening at the end as tears begin forming and falling down her cheeks.

However, I can't find it in me to feel sympathetic over the tears rolling down her soft cheeks. I can hardly even focus on that. No, my blood is boiling just a little too much for that right now.

"And what if I told you I've gone to more parties this week than the one last night? What if I told you that I didn't fucking cheat on you and that I didn't even end up so much as dancing with anyone last night? That I simply went to the parties and drank with thoughts of you being on my mind? Did you maybe stop to think that we just have different personalities? That I'm just a little more outgoing than you are? Did it ever cross your mind that maybe I was spending my time at the parties drinking, trying to figure out what I could do to make things better for us? Figure out a nice little date to take you on?"

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