Chapter 5

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Hoseok POV

"Hyung, you really should ease up on the drinking." Jungkook slurs with a small smile as I'm leaned back against the counter in Yoongi and Jimin's kitchen where all the booze is. I chuckle lightly at this, knowing he's much more of a lightweight than I am. He pouts at my reaction though, sliding his cup onto the counter behind me as he takes a step closer to me. The younger places his hands on my hips and I'm not sure if it's because he's using me for stability or what, but I certainly don't mind.

"Hyunggggg. Why're you laughing at me?" Jungkook whines with a cute pout. This merely makes me laugh once more, ruffling his hair lightly.

"Because you're a little tipsy, Jungkookie." I explain loosely, knowing he's not really gonna understand what I'm telling him right now anyways.

"I'll show you tipsy." He grumbles quietly under his breath. I frown in amused confusion at this, wanting to ask what exactly he means by this. Though, I don't have the chance to ask before I find his lips landing on mine. I just smile into the kiss, letting it happen even though I'm not really into him. I know he's not really into me either, knowing this is just a meaningless kiss to the both of us thankfully. It doesn't last too long either, him pulling away after a little bit as he looks at me in surprise. I chuckle again, brushing his hair back off of his sweaty forehead.

"Yes, Jungkookie, you've certainly proven how tipsy you really are. I think it's time you go find Jimin or Yoongi hyung. They'll take care of you for the night." I tell him lightly. He pouts at this, nodding his head as he leans his head on my shoulder. I roll my eyes at this, his actions not helping either of us considering I've got hopes of finding someone and maybe hooking up for the night. Or at least someone to get a good make out session with. Something.

Thankfully, Yoongi chooses this perfect moment to enter the kitchen. A smile spreads across his face when he sees us, chuckling softly to himself as he shakes his head.

"A little too much to drink for the little one?" Yoongi asks softly as he approaches us. Jungkook and I both nod, making me laugh once again, amused by the fact that even Kookie is admitting it.

"Come on, Kookie. Why don't we get you outta this loud area and somewhere a little quieter? We can let Hobi go and have his fun for the night and get you all taken care of, yeah?" Yoongi offers as he wraps an arm around the younger's waist. Jungkook merely nods in agreement, shifting his body weight from me to Yoongi as he lets the older lead him out of the room.

Sighing softly to myself, I pour myself another drink and head out of the kitchen in hopes of finding someone to waste my time on. Making my way to their large living room, I simply lean against the entrance frame of the room, eyes scanning around the room for something, anything. I'm not interested in dancing at the moment, not caring to have to fight that annoying crowd of people just to find someone.

Though, my attention is soon caught up by a girl sat on the couch across the room. A summery looking dress on her beautiful figure, long dark brown wavy looking hair draped over her shoulder. Though, what really catches my attention is that she's got a book in her hands, head and gaze cast down towards the printed text in her hands despite the crowd surrounding her. It's completely out of the ordinary for something like this in this type of scene, piquing my interest and curiosity even more.

Biting my bottom lip softly, I clutch my drink in my hand and carefully but casually make my way over to the girl. She doesn't seem to be paying any attention to anyone around her, seemingly in her own little world as she sits on the couch and reads. It amuses me just a little bit, her lack of attention, going over and taking a seat right next to her on the couch. I make sure that there's only a tiny distance between us, smiling as I watch her glance over to me before returning her gaze to her book, moving over just a tiny bit so that there's more space between the two of us. I chuckle at this, laying my arm over the back of the couch behind her as I lean more towards her.

"The party too boring for you, cutie? Knew you were gonna need a book to keep you entertained instead of the rest of us?" I question just loud enough for her to hear, pulling her attention away from her book. She closes her book but leaves a finger to mark where she's currently at, looking up at me as I lean back so that there's an appropriate amount of distance between us.

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