Chapter 3

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Hoseok POV

"So who's party is it tonight, Hobi?" Jungkook questions as he sits in the middle of my bed with his legs folded up beneath him. I smile back at him, enjoying the younger's company.

"Jimin and Yoongi are holding a party tonight. Two years since they've met. You wanna join me?" I offer lightly, knowing he always goes with me to their parties since it's only like once a month that they hold them.

"Aww, I forgot that was coming up! Of course I'll join you. Do you know if they did anything special to celebrate?" Kookie asks curiously as he hops up from my bed and heading towards my doorway.

"Yoongi took Jimin out to his favorite restaurant for lunch today and Jimin made breakfast in bed for Yoongi this morning. I'm pretty sure I saw them both posting stuff about going out to dinner last night to celebrate as well." I answer, increasing my volume for him to hear as he goes into his room down the hall.

"Aww! They really are the cutest couple ever, I swear." Jungkook coos loudly from his room.

I sigh softly to myself, my mood dropping a bit at the conversation of their relationship. I really am supportive of them, and I'm extremely happy that they found each other. It's just hard constantly seeing them together and all of the other damn couples that are constantly all over campus. That's the nice thing about parties. Most people aren't dating anyone. I don't have to feel so alone in this damn world there. I can just drink my damn miseries away, drink my insecurities away as much as possible.

Shaking my head to myself, I pull out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a gray tee shirt. Quickly getting changed, I go over to the younger's room, leaning against his doorway.

"Hyung, when are you gonna stop going to parties so much?" Jungkook asks softly as he looks over at me before pulling his black tee shirt on over his head. I frown at the sudden question, not having expected it at all.

"What are you talking about, Jungkook?" I question in confusion, not quite understanding where this is suddenly stemming from. He sighs softly as he walks over to his bed and sits down on the edge.

"Hobi, you're going out and partying every Friday and Saturday night. You come home and drink every single night anymore. You've been doing this for at least a year now. When are you going to finally stop? Give your body a break and take a break yourself? It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if you took a break from the parties and the drinking for a while." Jungkook says quietly, his gaze cast down at his hands that are loosely clasped in front of him. I frown at his questions, at his indirect accusations.

"Jungkook, I'm doing just fine. I'm still maintaining my grades really well and I'm healthier than ever. You don't have to worry about me like that." I tell him softly, not wanting him to worry about me so much. He shakes his head with another sigh as he looks over to me, his expression saddened from what it had been earlier.

"Hoseok, I know why you do it. Do you even realize how many times I've had to come pick you up from a bar? From parties? I know you go out and drink and you go out to party because you're lonely and insecure. But, going out and partying every weekend and getting drunk off your ass isn't going to find you someone and it's not going to make you feel any better. I could help you find someone, something, Hobi. I just don't want to see you drink your life away and put yourself in an early grave. You have a lot of potential and there's a lot of great people out there for you. You're just not looking in the right places yet." Jungkook counters gently, concern in his beautiful eyes as his lips form a small pout.

It's cute and completely endearing to hear him be so caring towards me, but I know I can't make that promise as much as I'd like to. As much as I want to make him happy and agree and let him help me, I know myself too well to be able to give him that type of hope.

"We'll see, okay? We can talk about this later, Kookie. We better get going if we don't want to be late to their party. You know Jimin will throw a fit if we're not on time."

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