Chapter 7

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Hoseok POV

"This is my stop." Soyeon murmurs softly as we finally reach her doorstep. I keep a smile on my face as we stop, though I want to frown at the thought of having to part ways with her.

"Well, I hope you had a good evening even though you didn't want to go out tonight, Soyeon. I certainly enjoyed my time with you." I tell her lightly, keeping a bright smile on my lips. She giggles softly at this, seemingly blushing as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and nods. Though, knowing she probably just wants to get inside and be alone again, I simply lean down and kiss her cheek lightly. Pulling away slowly, I give her a small wink before turning away from her and heading back down the steps of her apartment. I manage to still hear her front door open once she's unlocked it, glancing back at her from the sidewalk with a small smile, only to find her looking back at me and giving a shy wave before going inside and shutting the door behind her.

Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I reflect back on this evening a bit, having nothing better to do on my trek back home than simply think of what's happened this evening. Making out with my roommate who happens to be one of my best friends, and taking a very out of place and different girl out.

I certainly enjoyed my time out with her though. It was quite a change of pace from my usual all night long party kind of evenings that I'm used to having. I don't know how much I would want to keep up with doing stuff like this though. I very much enjoy my loud and bubbly life that I've had since I got to college. The last thing I want is to lose that just because of some random ass girl. I enjoy going out to parties and going out to do fun stuff with my friends.

Whereas, she seems very content in the way she's living. Soyeon doesn't seem to want to lead a very 'loud' life from what I could tell tonight. She clearly enjoys staying in on the weekends, staying inside and reading or watching movies. Doesn't feel the need to go out very much unless she really needs to and probably doesn't like hanging around a bunch of people.

Honestly, I don't know how I feel about it. I mean, I definitely enjoyed spending time with her tonight outside of the party. Soyeon seems like a wonderful person and an absolutely lovely girl. However, we're so different. I don't know how either of us would ever be able to stand being around the other for too long.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely hate being alone. Yoongi and Jimin are together, Jungkook technically is probably really close to getting the girl he's been spending time with to date him, and Jin hyung already has a boyfriend too. It fucking sucks being the only one who isn't in a goddamn relationship. I just... I don't want to-

Shaking my head at myself, I chuckle dryly. I'm already way overthinking this entire thing. She's just some random fucking girl that I decided to take out of the party for once. I don't even know why the hell I did that in the first place.

Groaning to myself, I run a hand through my hair as I finally reach my own apartment, knowing Jungkook is already inside and fast asleep thanks to either Jimin or Yoongi hyung.

I will not allow for myself to be so dumb and stupid. I'm not going to be desperate or any of that shit. I've already gone through that once and apparently I've forgotten what the hell that felt like. The last goddamn thing I'm about to do is get myself into shit like that again. I'm better off on my own. It's why I became this way anyways. It's why I love living my life the way I do now. It's not like there's a damned thing missing from it anyhow. I've got friends, I've got myself, and I've got a damn job. I don't need anything more than that, even if everyone else seems to think they do. I'm perfectly content living life like this, and there's no need for me to change it in any way.

Shaking my head at myself once more, I head straight for my bedroom so that I can get ready to go to sleep. I'm already a little disappointed in myself for not having stayed at the party longer and having drank more, but it's a little late for that at this point.

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