Chapter 18

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Soyeon POV

My mouth drops as I watch her storm away, feeling completely in shock. I nearly collapse at her sudden inaccurate accusations, Hobi catching me being the only reason I don't go fully crumbling to the ground. I can hardly breathe, can barely even swallow as I glance up at the others around me. I can see the surprise on Jungkook's face, looking down at me in mild worry. Though, I can't really make myself tip my head back enough to look up at Hobi, simply watching Jungkook glance worriedly between me and Hoseok.

"Come here, baby. Are you okay?" Hobi murmurs softly, pulling me back into him properly as he ends up wrapping his arms around me once more. I whimper softly at the question, feeling tears forming all over again as I bury my face into his chest once more. I find myself balling his shirt into my fists as I feel myself beginning to shake just a little, a whirlwind of emotions quickly flooding my mind.

I'm angry. So fucking angry at her. The fact that she actually has the audacity to think, let alone verbally claim that publicly, that I would ever become anything like her. It pisses me off to no end. It brings back memories I don't want, memories that I do desperately wish I could erase. Not only that, but she's known me my entire college career. The fact that she would ever think that I'd be anything like her just annoys me to no end.

However, it also makes me quite upset. Extremely sad and hurt. She's been my best friend since we were assigned as roommates our first year here at college. She's known me three fucking years. She knows who I am, what I am. How I am about things. She knows what I'm like. Yet, she seriously believes that I would ever fuck someone I'm not with, someone I'm not married to. And it certainly sounds like she's done with me. Done with me and doesn't want to be anywhere near me ever again.

Before I know it, I'm sobbing into Hoseok's chest, holding him tightly to me as I cry. He bushes me, rubbing my back gently as he kisses the top of my head. My eyes are squeezed shut tightly, quickly growing sore as I cry, grateful that I actually have someone to hold me.

"Shhh. Shhh. It's gonna be okay, baby. It's okay, Soyeon. I'm here, I'm right here, baby." Hobi murmurs gently, kissing the top of my head once more. I whimper once more at this, pouting softly as I nuzzle my head into his chest a bit more.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay, baby. Alright? Jungkook and I both know that you weren't over here for that. We know you didn't fuck us or anything. Okay? We know the truth and if she tries to spread things, people are gonna believe us over her. Okay? You have nothing to worry about." Hobi coos gently.

I force myself to take some deep breaths, trying to calm myself down once more. I try to focus on Hoseok only, feeling him continuing to rub my back and mumble sweet nothings in my ear. Though, Soona's words echo in my head, claiming that they're Min Yoongi and Park Jimin's friend. And they clearly didn't deny that either. It would make sense... I recognized Hoseok but I couldn't think of why off the top of my head.

It scares me just a little bit, finally accepting that I'm actually dating someone who happens to be extremely popular amongst the entire campus. I don't want people talking about me, talking shit and giving me a hard time about it, but it's a little too late at this point to do anything about it.

"Are you okay, baby?" Hobi murmurs softly in my ear, leaning down to kiss my cheek gently. I whimper at this, appreciating his gentleness as I look up at him with a small pout. He gives me a small smile, leaning down and pecking my lips.

"I'll be okay." I mumble quietly, taking a deep breath. He gives me another smile, reaching down and brushing my hair back out of my face, tucking the loose strands behind my hair gently.

"Are you sure?" He asks gently, such a caring look in his eyes that it makes my heart swell for a moment. Biting my lip lightly, I nod my head in response.

"Okay, baby. Come on. Why don't we go get to class? We can introduce you to Yoongi hyung and Jimin later."

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