Chapter 16

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Soyeon POV

As Soona and I walk to campus Monday morning, I remain fairly quiet like usual while she goes on about the stupid shit she did this weekend. I simply nod occasionally, actually listening but not really paying full enough attention to be able to really interact with what she's saying. Instead, my mind is full of thoughts about school and Hoseok.

He and I texted quite a bit yesterday, learning even more about each other than we had known before. I really do enjoy talking with him and being around him, I just hope he really truly does feel the same.

"What the hell is on your mind? You're quieter than normal and you were on your phone more yesterday than you usually are." Soona questions with a frown, turning her head to look over at me. My eyes widen at the question, something I have to actually respond to and the fact that I somewhat have been caught not fully paying attention. Though, before I can respond to her, I feel my phone buzz in my back pocket, quickly grabbing my attention and giving me an escape from her question.

I quickly pull the device from my pocket, checking to see what caused the notification. However, a small smile plays at my lips when I see what it is, having received a text from Hobi asking if I wanted to meet his friends and spend some time with him before we have to attend class. Giggling softly to myself, I quickly respond back that I'd love to, waiting to see where he's actually at as we finally reach campus.

"Hello? Earth to Soyeon? You still in there? What the hell has happened to you? Oh my gosh, please tell me you didn't get with a guy at the party Friday night!" Soona questions, waving her hand in front of my face. I glare over at her, not at all amused by her antics.

"Fuck off, okay? You can enjoy your crazy ass life all you want, but you know damn well that I'll never take a life like that. I don't fuck around like that." I snap, giving her another small glare before walking off away from her.

"Wait! Soyeon, I'm sorry! Come on, come back here!" Soona calls after me. I just clench my jaw and shake my head though, no longer in the mood nor having the patience to deal with her.

I lived that life once upon a time. I lived that kind of life for long enough to know I hate it. That I never wanna go back to it. It was a different time and a different me back then, someone I don't want to return to. Someone that I'm not any longer.

Feeling myself tear up at the memories that begin playing through my head, I hardly realize what's going on around me until I'm accidentally walking straight into someone. My eyes widen at this as I stumble backwards, not having expected it at all.

"I-I'm so sorry-" I begin to apologize. However, I'm quickly cut off as I find myself being pulled back into them. Looking up from their chest where I've been pulled back into, I find Hoseok being the one whom I've walked straight into.

"Baby, what's wrong? What's happened?" He questions immediately, looking worried as he gazes down at me. I open my mouth to speak but seem at loss for words as I take a deep breath and end up burying my face into his chest. I squeeze my eyes shut as I wrap my arms around his waist, trying not to cry. I feel his arms wrap around me properly at this, rubbing my back gently as he kisses the top of my head.

"Hey, hey. Calm down, baby. Calm down. It's okay, Soyeon. It's gonna be okay. Please, hey, calm down. I'm here. I'm here, baby." He murmurs softly against the top of my head, holding me gently. I try to take calmer breaths, trying to just simply focus on him and the fact that he's holding me. It's something I've not felt in a long time, something properly foreign at this point after all these years. It honestly hurts a little, just how long it's been since the last time I was properly held and comforted like this. And not only that, but by someone who actually genuinely cares for me and who has feelings for me beyond just liking my damned body.

"I'm sorry. Thank you." I mumble quietly into his chest, thankful for having him.

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