Chapter 13

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Hoseok POV

It's an odd feeling, sitting here like this with her. Sat here on her couch with her curled up to my side, both of us with warm mugs of tea. It's a million times more comfortable than I would've ever imagined, content just being here like this with her.

I draw random little patterns on her upper arm as we watch the movie, though my attention is more so focused on the beautiful girl cuddled up to my side. She's got her head rested on my chest, legs curled up underneath her and leaned against my thigh lightly, eyes contently focused on the screen in front of us. I can't help but let a small smile on my lips as I look down at her, both of us occasionally sipping from our mugs that are slowly cooling.

This type of thing certainly isn't my style. It makes me wonder why the hell I'm fairly content like this though. I would still certainly enjoy playing my video games right now, but I'm not feeling like complaining over simply watching a movie all cuddled up with Soyeon either. It's a bit of a quieter lifestyle than my own, than what I like, but I oddly don't mind it. Instead, I'm actually somewhat enjoying this time with her right now. I don't know that I could do this all the time, that I would want to do this too super often, but it's not terrible either. Quite enjoyable on the occasion truthfully.


I snap out of my thoughts at the sound of her voice, gaze snapping down to her properly with slightly widened eyes. She's got a small curious smile on her lips as she looks up at me, and it just causes a small smile to form on my own. I know I've clearly been caught gazing at her, but I can't find it in me to be embarrassed at this. Instead, I merely smile at her. I watch her giggle lightly at this, biting her bottom lip gently as she looks up at me.

Without fully thinking things through, I gently reach up and cup her cheek gently with my free hand, smiling lightly when she somewhat nuzzles her face into my hand. It just makes me smile even more, loving that she actually seems to be okay with all of this, that I'm actually doing all of the right things for her right now. There's a shy glint in her eyes, lip still tucked between her teeth despite them curling up into a small smile at the edges.

Before I really even realize what I'm doing, I slowly begin to lean in. I watch her lips part at this, leaning her face into my touch just a little more as she leans in as well.

With a ghost of a smile on my lips still lingering, I find myself connecting my lips to hers. Her lips are softer than what I could've imagined, absolutely loving the feeling of her lips on mine as they fit perfectly with mine. Our lips slowly begin to move together, one of the best kisses I've ever had as our eyes flutter shut. I don't let it last too long though, wanting to make sure that she's even okay with all of this considering I didn't really take how she might feel about all of this into complete account. So, reluctantly, I pull back away from the kiss, eyes slowly reopening as I look back down at her.

That shy smile of hers makes another appearance, though a bright happy seeming glint in her eyes as she looks up at me this time. It makes me smile, feeling like I haven't just messed this up completely.

"Sorry, Soyeon. I know we just met yesterday-" I begin to apologize, not wanting to risk anything.

"It's fine, Hobi. You don't have to apologize. I... I was kind of hoping you'd do that." Soyeon murmurs softly, blushing lightly at this.

Though, a sudden crack of lightning from outside catches both our attention, soon after hearing the loud crack of thunder. I mere smile at the sound, feeling somewhat grateful for the storm that I'd originally somewhat regretted.

"Would you... be my girlfriend then?" I question quietly before I can really think of what I'm getting myself into, seemingly still much too into the moment right now. I hear her beautiful giggle, bringing my attention from the harsh rainfall outside back to the beautiful girl still snuggled up to my side.

"Of course, Hobi."

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