#1: The Interview

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"So, Mr. Liam O'Malley, please tell me about yourself," commanded Mr. Mills who looked at my resume with his glasses squinting seeming rather impressed.

"Well, I just graduated from the University of Arizona in Tucson a month ago as an English Major. I was at the top of my class in both high school and college. In high school, I was class president. In college, I wrote a few short stories for the campus paper." At this point, I was just blabbing and bragging.

"OK," Mr. Mills stopped me. "Can you tell me something about these short stories you wrote?"

"Well, there were about ten of them that I wrote. Each one of them had to do with the struggles of being the class president."

He leaned against his chair and put his hands in the prayer position. "So, it sounds like you wrote what you knew? Is that correct?"

"I suppose that's correct sir. Like, yeah I suppose." Damn it, I stuttered. Hope he wouldn't notice.

"And tell me if you can, one of the struggles of being the president of your class."

That was easy. "Well, sometimes people accuse you of something you said when you didn't actually say it. For example, someone thought I said, I'd give everyone five extra minutes of lunch, but like I really didn't."

"How did you handle that? I'm assuming this was part of the story you wrote?"

"Oh, it was. I just chose to ignore what I was being accused of. Like, it wasn't easy, but arguing and fighting isn't the way to go.

"Always true." He grabbed his pen and jotted down a few things on his paper. "What is one strength and weakness that you have?"

"Well, a couple of strengths I have is that I'm a quick thinker and I'm outgoing. A weakness I have is pretty much the same. Although I say things sometimes that I shouldn't say. I need to watch my mouth."

"I'm sure we all do." Mr. Mills stood up with every effort he had and poured a glass of water as he offered me a glass. I accepted. "Mr. O'Malley, I'm sure you're aware of what we do here at Mid Mills Publishing Company. Have you ever read a story we published? If so, who's your favorite author."

That was a hard one. I had only ever read one thing that this company had published and that was when I was eight. "Well you know, when I was eight, I read this book by Daniel Stomp. It was called Raymond and Barry's Great Adventure. That story changed my life."

He sat at his chair laughing. "I highly doubt it changed your life. Quite honestly Daniel Stomp was an idiot. Pour soul found himself dead within six years of working here." Once again, he stood up breathing heavily, looking at the window. "Mr. O'Malley, I don't know if you're aware, but Mid Mills Publishing has been having financial difficulties in the last five years. And it doesn't seem like it's going to get any better. I'd hate to see the company that my grandfather started, come to death, but it just might happen. We used to sell books like hotcakes. Mr. O'Malley, have you ever heard of John Green or even The Hunger Games?"

"Of course, The Hunger Games just came out. I went to go see it over spring break."

"Are you aware that The Fault in Our Stars will likely also become a motion picture?"

"I wasn't aware of that."

He went back to his desk and opened one of the drawers. Out came The Hunger Games Book.

"This book has been making lots of money. Even Harry Potter made a fortune. Do you know what they both have in common?"

I sat there in silence.

"They're both Young Adult Novels! Mid Mills has never published a single damn piece of Young Adult Literature! The closest thing we have was that book you mentioned earlier. We've grown too reliant on authors such as Doug Piper and Howard Line! Doug writes Romance, while Howard is writing way too many Steamy Erotica Novels. And honestly, those old farts know nothing about what romance or sex is like these days! We've been relying too heavily on the idea that romance and sex sell for the last two to three decades!"

 I never saw anyone go off on such a tangent before. "Not anymore!" He smacked his hand on his desk. "Mr. O'Malley, here at Mid Mills, we are restructuring our company. We are shifting gears to Young Adult and only Young Adult." The guy took a moment to take a breath. "Mr. O'Malley, you're a young guy who obviously knows something about Young Adults. Here is what I'm proposing. I hire you, and in return, you join my team of writers which includes Piper and Line. Our focus would be on a great Young Adult Novel by the End of May. That would almost be nine months from now. This novel is going to be the novel that people read. Hell, I want this novel to be a movie that starts a franchise! Would you like the job?" So much passion in what he said.

It sounded intriguing. How could I not pass this up? Was it a good idea though when you've only written short stories?"

"I need an answer boy."

Without another thought, I spoke. "I accept the job."

A huge smile took over Mr. Mill's Face. "Wonderful. Welcome aboard." 

There you have it. That's the first chapter! Hope you enjoyed it. Please plan on sticking around and tune in weekly for a new chapter

Next Chapter: Liam has to tell his girlfriend the news. Is she going to like it?

Would you have hired Liam? Should he have gotten hired?

If Mid Mills hired you, what would you write? 

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