47: Liam's Life-Changing Offer

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Liam's POV

All three of us found ourselves at a farmer's market one particular day. Leah had no business meetings that day and was free all day. Heck, this was really the only day she was free. This trip was nothing but business meetings for her. Regardless, there were a lot of interesting things at this farmer's market. With a large crowd of people, it was almost impossible to get by anywhere or even look at anything. Giselle seemed to get lost in the crowd, but my eyes were able to pick up on her. She found herself talking to an older gentleman at one of the booths who was selling New Orleans Cookies. At one of the empty stands where barely anyone was, we found ourselves looking at different pies. The Apple Pie caught both our attention.

"Damn, that looks good" claimed Leah.

"You both want to taste a sample of the Apple Pie Flavored Beer," asked the seller.

We both agreed and tried a sample. Needless to say, it was amazing and we ended up buying a bottle along with an apple pie.

We found ourselves walking around again.

"How's it feel to not be in a business meeting today?" I asked.

She stopped as a shirt stand caught her attention. "Honestly, it's pretty nice. I haven't really been able to do anything fun this entire trip." Her lips gave me a kiss with her hand taking mine looking at the shirts. A simple shirt with the words "Big Easy" caught her attention. "If only life could be big and easy." She took a breath before speaking again. "You know, an interesting opportunity actually arose. I got an offer to move to New York City." The shirt found itself on her shoulder while she looked for more shirts. "New Freakin' York City of all places. Can you imagine?"

"Are you going to take it?" I asked picking up the same shirt she just picked up.

"Well here's the thing. I do want to move there and I think I am going to take it." Another breath was taken giving me a serious look with our hands holding tightly. "Hear me out on this. I think you should move with me. We'll get an apartment together. I know you're doing your book an all, but I honestly think there's more opportunity in New York. You could take your Bunny Idea to another publishing company. Hell, Johnson K. Publishing would love that idea and they're literally having one of their best years right now. I have some connections and can get you in."

My eyes widened as I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Seriously. You want me to come with you to the Big Apple?" I don't know if I could leave all this behind."

"Well think about it. Look at your boss. He's in the hospital. Honestly, I don't see how the company can last much longer. But just think about it. I need an answer by Mid-April. Pretty much a month from now."

Giselle's POV

A month from now? Oh how I wish I hadn't heard that conversation. I wish I could've stayed where I was talking to the nice gentlemen. Who the hell did this girl think she was? Heather was bad enough, but now Leah? Like New York would have been any better. How could I lose Liam? I didn't want to lose him. I couldn't lose him. I already lost enough as it was. I couldn't let life get any more confusing. With an uneasy feeling in my heart, I quietly left the farmer's market and headed back for the hotel bar.

Liam's POV

Leah found herself asleep at the hotel the moment we got back. I couldn't help but wonder where Giselle was. Texting her, I was able to figure out she had been at the bar the last hour or so. Within two minutes, I found myself sitting next to her at the bar. Not an ounce of alcohol was near her. Her head laid on the counter in what seemed to be a depression. The Apple Pie Flavored Beer found itself on the counter.

"Want a sip?" I asked.

Giselle's POV

Taking the sip, I realized how amazing it was and ended up taking another sip. "You know, I'm still eighteen. Probably shouldn't be drinking alcohol yet."

"True. You'll have to wait until you're twenty-one years of age.  Guess I'll finish this beer." Another sip was taken until he decided to leave it between us on the counter."

"Thanks for giving me a sip anyways. The bartender said the same thing and wouldn't serve me."

Liam could tell there was something wrong with my head barely off the counter. His hand found itself on my back.

"What's wrong?"

"I overheard that conversation. Leah wants you to move to New York with her. Freakin' right before prom of all times."

He found himself chuckling as his hand gave my back a massage. "That must be why we couldn't find you. Look, I don't know if I'm actually moving to New York. It was just a thought."

"But why shouldn't you move there. Leah is literally perfect for you. She's your age. She's stable. She knows what she's doing. There isn't anything back home. Your boss is dying, Gloria might be dying, Ricky hates me, and Ava might be losing it." 

Liam pulled my head so he could see me. "OK, first of all, what exactly is Ava losing? Secondly, Leah isn't perfect. She has flaws like everyone else. She's just good at hiding them." He looked around and back at me. "Let's take a walk."

I found myself nodding in agreement. A walk sounded good. We found ourselves taking a walk on a warm-cool night. Even with all the people, it felt peaceful and quiet.

Taking a walk, we found ourselves roaming aimlessly around the streets of New Orleans.

"You know, this trip has been a pretty nice escape from reality. I'm beginning to understand why they call it the Big Easy."

"Yeah, I really don't want to go back home. What if Gloria actually dies? What happens to Lady or Ricky? What happens if your boss actually dies?"

"I guess we can ask ourselves all the what-ifs, but we really don't know what's going to happen." For a moment neither of us spoke and enjoyed the bright moon guiding us through the streets. "You ever watch 'It's a Wonderful Life?'

'Saw parts of it. I remember that moon scene where that George guy offers his date the moon."

Liam's POV

With a chuckle, my finger pointed towards the bright full moon. "Sometimes I wish I could have the moon. I don't know why, but sometimes I just picture hand my holding the moon as it tells me where to go and what to do. If I could, I'd give that special girl the moon."

Giselle couldn't help but laugh at what I was saying. "You know you suck at sounding romantic right? And you're supposed to be the writer."

"Oh come on. I didn't sound that bad" my face grinned while looking at her.

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Next Chapter: Ava gets into some trouble. And it has to do with Elizabeth.

Should Liam move to New York?

Can Giselle stop Liam from moving to New York?

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