48: Trouble With Ava

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Ava's POV

On a dark and rainy evening, I found myself driving around in my car. I had just dropped off Sara at her house after seeing a movie with her. Within a short time, I found myself at Elizabeth's House. She had an umbrella with a rain poncho on. It looked like she was about to go off for a run. Yes, I wanted to follow her in my car, but something inside of me told me she'd catch on. Not the case in most movies that involve a car following someone. Having come prepared, I got the bike out of my trunk and wore a jacket. As she ran, I followed her with my bike which I hadn't actually ridden in the last few years. Keeping my balance was a little tricky. For about a few miles, she kept running.

"How does she do it?" I quietly asked myself.

About another mile later, I found myself at a diner. Elizabeth was meeting an older college-age looking guy. They hugged and sat down. From across the diner, I found myself a seat with my wet hoodie covering my wet face.

"It's been a while" she claimed. "What's it been? Since Christmas?"

Who was this guy? Was she into this guy? If she was, why was she spending so much time with Sara teaching her how to run. Getting my phone out, a few pictures were taken. 

"We have to stop seeing each other twice a year" claimed the guy.

"Hey come on. It's more like four times a year."

"Whatever. Anyways, did you ever get any scholarships? Or is running out of your future now?"

From there, I began recording the conversation on a small tape recorder. Within a minute, a waitress walked up to me.

"Can I get you anything honey? A towel for your face perhaps?"

Crap, this waitress was going to ruin everything. "Yeah, a towel would be nice. And maybe some water."

"Coming right up." She had a confused look on her face.

About another ten minutes passed and I really wasn't getting anything from this conversation. Not one noteworthy thing was said. Was I wasting my time? Slowly, I began to wonder why I was doing any of this. Maybe Daniel was right. About another hour had passed and the two were done with their meeting. Once they walked outside to where it stopped raining, I secretly followed them out. The waitress watched me while she was on the phone. 

"Yeah, this girl was drenched in rain when she came in here. A little strange. She had a tape recorder." Crap, her phone conversation was about me.

Once Liz hugged the guy, she took off running. Not far behind, I followed her on my bike. At one point, she stopped and texted someone. My breathing was getting a little heavy. If my heavy breathing didn't stop, she was going to catch on to me. After a couple of minutes, she found herself sitting at a bench at the park. Me and my bike parked behind a tree. She continued to text on her phone. When she stood up from the bench, my bike tire hit a rock leaving it to hit a tree. She noticed the rock hitting the tree and grew suspicious. My heart was racing faster and faster. My stomach began hurting. She was heading right for the tree. Crap, my tire was stuck in a hole. There was no way to get it out in time. Oh crap. With quick thinking, my eyes spotted another hole close by and ran towards it leaving myself to hide in it.

"Who the hell leaves their bike at a park?" she asked.

Without a thought, she picked it up and rode off on it. Crap, she had my bike. I couldn't follow her. Wait, she decided to get off the bike and park it at a Goodwill. Thankfully, it was closed. Once she ran off, I was able to get my bike back. Riding off the Goodwill Premises, I rode by a cop car.

"Stop right where you are," commanded the cop with his flashing lights on.

My heart was beating faster than ever. My head was full of sweat. Crap, was this how it was going to go down?" Not stopping, I raced my bike as quickly as I could with the cop car right behind me.

"Stop right now!"

My bike rushed faster and faster. I could outrun this cop. Or maybe not. Two other cop cars appeared out of nowhere and followed me. With my bike going at full speed and the wind against my dry hair, nothing could stop me. Except maybe a large rock with stopped my bike and caused me to fall to the ground. The cop cars were right in front of me.

"Put your hands up where I can see them!" shouted the cop getting out of his car.

It was too late. Knowing that running was hard, there would be no way I could outrun the cops on my feet and so I gave up and surrendered. Within seconds I found myself in handcuffs with my hoodie covering my head.

"So you're the one who's been following Elizabeth around," commented the cop. 

Trying to deny it, there was no use. They didn't believe me. Another older looking cop got out of his car.

"Boys I'll take it from here." Walking up to me, he kneeled down. "Are you the one who left the car at our house?" he calmly asked. 

With a tear leaving my eye, I nodded yes trying to catch my breath.

"You've been also following my daughter around on that bike, haven't you?"

Another nod yes.

The cop sighed. "Wait a minute, aren't you Ava? You've been running with her and Sara this past week, haven't you?"

Without another word, he put me in the car and took me to the police station.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Remember to comment, vote, and share!

Next Chapter: It's the chapter you've all been waiting for! Something is about to go down between Liam and Giselle.

Was it wise for Ava to be stalking Elizabeth?

How do you think Sara or Elizabeth will feel about Ava after this?

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