25: Liam's Shocking Wednesday

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Liam's POV

I don't know why, but I always loved the Wednesdays before Thanksgiving. In this particular case, we didn't have to work today. It was a pretty nice feeling. A good amount of our novel had been written. Not much to complain about. To celebrate not having to work, I figured I could surprise Heather who was on the boat planning for the wedding. My thoughts were telling me to have a nice little lunch date. Nothing much. Walking on to the boat, I felt that fresh air. Life was good. I was excited for the Thanksgiving we'd be having tomorrow. Walking on the boat, not a soul was found.

"Hello," I said a few times.

Things were a mess. It was as if there was a wild party. Balloons were everywhere. Some were popped and some were still floating. Bottles of empty wine laid all over the floor. A little bit of puke was found on the counters. At one point I found a half-empty box of pizza.

"We're really going to have a wedding on this boat?"

After about ten minutes, my ears heard a noise. It was a noise of laughter which sounded familiar. My ears were attracted to this noise as I began to follow it until I came towards a door which was unlocked. It was easy to get in. Unfortunately, I almost wished I could've avoided the noise. But in front of my own eyes came the worst sight nobody should ever have to see. Heather was in a bed with Riley fully unclothed. Neither heard the door open. Thankfully they were both covered by the bedsheets which is certainly a small thankfully. Riley was really moving on top of Heather leading her to a few laughs and a few heavy moans.

"Riley!" she shouted while he began multitasking and kissed the top of her body near her breasts. "Keep going!"

Why hadn't I said anything up to this point? What was I supposed to say? Part of me wanted to walk away and pretend this wasn't happening, but I couldn't. Never had I ever felt so betrayed.

"What the hell is this?!" I shouted pounding my fist to the wall.

Riley slowed down and turned his head towards me as Heather's face looked like she had seen a ghost. Riley wasn't stopping though.

"Riley stop just for a moment," she requested.

Before I knew it, I found myself running out of the room and out of the boat. Heather was close behind with a sheet covering her. I made it all the way to the gazebo and sat down. Within a moment, Heather found herself sitting right next to me barely covered up. The sheets had a hard time staying on.

"Look, babe, I can explain."

"Explain what?! How you were accidentally fucking with Riley!"

"That's not fair babe. You don't know the entire story."

"Well fine. Tell me the story." Anger had taken over me at this point leaving me wanting to slap her. Hell, I just wanted to hit her until she bled. I'd be fine with spending a night in prison.

"OK, well I guess we drank a lot of wine last night. There was a party and all. Things started getting a little out of hand and before I knew it, I was talking to Riley who started kissing me and I guess I kind of liked it, so I kissed him back. It's not that big of a deal."

"But it is that big of a deal." I found myself able to calm down a little. "You're always with Riley. Always. I don't know if you realize this, but we haven't been spending a lot of time together lately. And every time I'm with you, it seems that it's on this boat with you and Riley flirting. For all I know, this probably isn't a one-time thing."

There was no answer from her end which made me a bit uncomfortable. Why wasn't she answering?

"How often do you sleep with him?" Yes, I didn't want to know that answer, but I had to know.

It took Heather a moment to respond. It became obvious she didn't want to say, but she did anyways with her head looking at the floor. "I've been sleeping with him every day for the past month. I think there might have been a time when Lisa was with us."

My head was also on the floor not sure how to respond to what I just heard. A couple of tears were leaving my eyes with my throat in pain.

"I still love you, babe." She tried kissing my lips while the sheets slowly started falling off of her. Her hand grabbed my hand and placed them at the top of her breasts slowly moving down.

"No. Just stop. Stop. Just stop." My hand yanked itself out of her hand before anything actually happened. "Were you going to continue sleeping with him after we got married?"

"I'd like to think not. I wasn't really sure though."

"Do you even love me?"

"Babe, I moved out here with you. Is that not love enough?"

"But you didn't even want to move out here. From the moment I accepted the job offer, you seemed pretty pissed at me." I found myself standing up.

"I was a little pissed at you, but I still loved you. And you can't say you still don't love me." She began standing up.

"I'm not so sure anymore. I thought I did. Hell, somedays I feel like I don't even know you."

Within a quick moment, she began hugging me. "Love is messy sometimes. What about our dream wedding? Lisa Bardelli was going to..."

The hug ended with me interrupting her. "That's another thing. You're obsessed with Lisa. So damn obsessed. I didn't even know who she was until the evening I proposed to you. And to be honest, you probably talked about her all the time and I don't think I was really paying much attention. I don't think I really ever grew to know or love you as much as I thought I did."

"You can still learn to love and know me."

"I can't. I just can't." I surprised myself by taking the ring off my finger and dropping it on the floor. Her face was in pure shock as I walked away from her. "Don't bother showing up tomorrow. Have a nice life with that rich boy."

She did everything she could to stop me from walking away. Mostly she kept saying "stop" or "I'm sorry." The next words out of her mouth were a complete surprise. "I'm pregnant." I turned around to look at her. It was as if I couldn't feel anymore betrayed. With a sigh, she spoke again. I was late three weeks ago, but I've been ignoring it. I didn't have the heart to tell anyone. I was going to get an abortion, but..."

"I don't care." I continued to walk away shutting out anything else she had to say.

Without any doubt, the car ride home was the worst ride I ever lived through. There were times where I honestly wanted to crash and just end it. As the next several hours went by, I laid in bed ignoring anything and everything that was happening.

That was certainly a shocking chapter! Please be sure to comment, vote, and share!

Next Chapter: It's Thanksgiving at Jaxon and Giselle's House. Gloria, Ricky, Liam, and Giselle's Dad will be there.

Were you surprised that Heather cheated?

Was Liam right to dump Heather?

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