18: Fun Night Out

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Liam's POV

Time sure has a way of going fast. I realized this as I sat on the couch that Friday after work as I looked over my notes of what we accomplished that week. At the bottom, it read 'An Abundance of Katherines.' Over the weekend, I made plans to go buy copies of that book. 'Looking for Alaska' was great, but we needed some more inspiration. Continuing to look at my notes, my eyes were starting to doze off.

"Hard week?" asked Heather who surprisingly joined me on the couch in one of her nicer dresses. Her skin was beyond radiant. She looked beyond amazing. To say the least, she certainly woke me up.

"Hard, but good. What are you up to?"

"Oh, I had an afternoon out with some old girlfriends. Lots of gossip and giggles. Nothing you would be interested in."

My hand met hers leaving her a mysterious smile. "Sounds fun. Anybody, I would know?"

"You might know a couple of them."

My lips met with her lips as we began kissing. Her hands soon found themselves taking off my belt while I pushed her down on the couch only to kiss her neck. My hand found itself on her covered breast moving up and down. A small moan escaped her mouth. A second later the door opened leading me to stop kissing and sit up in a blink of an eye. Giselle Happy , Ava, and Lady all walked through the door.

"So glad your both here," chirped a happy Giselle. "What do you both say we all take Lady out for Peter Piper tonight?"

"Where's Ricky?" I asked thinking he was a few feet behind them.

"He wasn't interested in coming. So are you in?"

"Sure, I could use a little fun. What do you say, Heather?" My body was turned towards her as her body hadn't gotten up from the couch. I sensed a lot of disappointment in her face. Her hair seemed a bit messy.

"Yeah, I guess I'll come." She stood up from the couch repositioning her dress and her covered breasts.

Within half an hour we were at one of the biggest Peter Pipers my eyes had seen. Lady was beyond excited and ran straight to the arcade forgetting she needed tokens. Heather found herself going to the bathroom as soon as she got inside.

"Haven't been here since I was a kid," I remarked.

"I better go get Lady before she knocks herself out." Giselle chased after her.

Ava looked and I stood next to each other. "What should we order?" she questioned.

"I'm thinking we'd all like a simple pepperoni pizza." She nodded and we ordered. There wasn't much of a line.

As me and Ava sat at a table waiting for the pizza to be made, Giselle caught hold of Lady and got her tokens.

"How was your week?" I asked Ava. "You and Daniel getting along?"

"It was fine. I guess Daniel and I have become OK friends. Nothing romantic like Giselle was hoping. But let me ask you this. As a guy, have you ever kissed another guy on the cheek?"

A moment was needed to think about her question. "Can't really say I have. Mostly only kissed Heather who's still in the bathroom."

She sat there a moment as it seemed like she had an abundance of questions to ask. "How did you know Heather was the one?"

Taking a big breath I spoke. "Well, I guess from the moment I saw her on the first day of college I kind of fell for her, but I was afraid to talk to her. We only met because of my writing for the school paper. But what really made we know she was the one is what happened after our first date. We went to the Peanut Butter House and I honestly hate peanut butter. Regardless, I went on the date with her and we got along so well. Great vibes all around. Of course, she figured out I hate peanut butter and felt bad which resulted in us taking a walk around town just talking and a little dancing towards the end. Around two in the morning, she bought me a big pack of Oreos at a gas station. We both ate the whole thing together. That's when I knew she was the one."

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